Our Dynamic Earth By Boots100 PinkiePie7 bangbang08
Introduction This power point will tell you about: The structure of the earth, volcanoes, tsunamis and earthquakes. We will also show you some diagrams. Hope you enjoy!
The structure of the Earth The earth has 4 parts to it they are: crust, mantle, outer core and the inner core. The crust is a solid rock which has two types which are oceanic and continental. The mantle is the widest section of the earth its semi molten rock called magma. The outer core is a liquid layer which is made of iron and nickel. The inner core is the hottest part of the earth which is solid and made of iron and nickel.
Here Is a Diagram of The Earth
Pacific Ring of Fire The Pacific Ring of Fire is an area where lots of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. Roughly 90% of earthquakes and 75%of active volcanoes on earth are along the Ring of Fire. The shape of the Ring of Fire is not quite a circle it is more like a 40,000 km horse shoe.
Plate Tectonics There are three types of plate boundaries Divergent Convergent And transform. At the boundaries between plates friction causes them to stick together. When built up energy causes them to break or move, earthquakes occur.
Here are Examples of Plate Tectonics
Volcanoes Where the earths crust thin or cracked magma flows up to the surface creating a volcano. Volcanoes are usually mountains with a bowl in the top called a crater. Most eruptions happen in the crater. Sometimes lava flows through the vents to.
Volcano Pictures
Earthquakes A earthquakes is measured by the strength of shock waves of the Richter scale. The scale runs from 1 to 10. Here is an example of Richter scale 3-Barely felt, Some Hanging objects may swing. 5-Felt by all, windows Shatter and walls crack. 8-Can cause total damage to building, Landscape changes.
Earthquake Pictures
Tsunami A tsunami is a giant ocean wave or a series of waves that can travel for long distances towards land. A tsunami is caused by earthquakes, volcanoes or landside happens on the ocean floor, water is displayed. This water forms the start of a tsunami.
Tsunami Pictures
Pompeii In August in the year 79, the volcano the Vesuvius starting to erupt after years of sleeping. Scientists discovered that the people of Pompeii did not die they froze in weird positions trying to protect themselves from the heat.
Pictures of Pompeii Today