GCSE Geography Information evening for parents
Which course? AQA Geography specification ‘A’ se/geography-a se/geography-a-9030 Two exams (37.5% each) + Controlled Assessment (25%)
Course structure Paper 1 Physical Geography – Restless Earth (Qn 1) – Water on the Land (Qn 5) – Ice on the Land (Qn 6) Exam length 1 hour 30 minutes – Each question 30 minutes Paper 2 Human Geography – Population change (Qn 1) – Changing urban environments (Qn 2) – Tourism (Qn 6) Exam length 1 hour 30 minutes – Each question 30 minutes
What does your child have? Physical geography exercise book(s) Human geography exercise book(s) Text book
Unit 1 – Physical Geography Unit 2 – Human Geography
All users Lumsdale > geography > GCSE revision
What else might you be persuaded to buy to support their revision?
The Cone of Learning
Now what? Encouraging your child to make use of the text book; Creating flash cards with key terms in the text book and testing these; Creating flow diagrams of physical landforms (to help with sequencing); Drawing diagrams with annotations to explain processes; Identifying land forms / features from photographs Encouraging your child to talk about their case studies and asking 'so what?' to help them develop/clarify their ideas/understanding; Developing map skills - using maps generated from digimap
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