Dr. C. Chandramouli Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India
In 1872 the first Census was held in India. Since then, Census in India held uninterruptedly. The Census of India 2011 will be the 15th Census and the 7th after Independence. Census 2011 will mark a milestone as the National Population Register (NPR) will also be prepared 3
Date of commencementStates 1 st AprilWest Bengal, Assam, A & N Islands, Goa, Meghalaya 7 th AprilKerala, Lakshadweep, Orissa, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim 15 th AprilKarnataka, Arunachal, Chandigarh 21 st AprilGujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu 26 th AprilTripura, Andhra Pradesh 1 st MayHaryana, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Punjab, Uttaranchal, Maharashtra 7 th MayMadhya Pradesh 15 th MayJ & K, Manipur, Mizoram, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh 1 st JuneTamil Nadu, Puducherry, Himachal Pradesh (non synchronous), Nagaland Not finalisedBihar, Jharkhand Calendar for Houselisting and NPR
Biggest source of data on: Demography Economic Activity Literacy & Education Housing & Household Amenities 6
Biggest source of data on: Urbanization Fertility and Mortality Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Language, Religion & Migration 7
Only source of primary data at village, town and ward level. Valuable information for planning and formulation of polices for Central & State Governments 8
Widely used by National & International agencies, scholars, business people, industrialists, and many more. Delimitation/Reservation of Constituencies - Parliamentary/Assembly/Panchayats and other Local Bodies 9
Create a comprehensive identity database in the country Help in better targeting of the benefits and services under the Government schemes / programmes Improve planning Strengthen security of the country 10 NPR - Utility
The Citizenship Act, 1955 and The Citizenship (Registration of Citizens and Issue of National Identity Cards) Rules, 2003 The Census Act 1948 and Census Rules 11 Statutory Backing
States/UTs35 Districts Tehsils5,4635,767 Towns5,1617,742 Villages5,93,7326,08,786 Households19.4 crores24.0 crores EBs19.82 lakhs23.56 lakhs Population1.03 Bn1.20 Bn How Big is the Exercise
Enumerators21 lakhs Supervisors/Master Trainers4 lakhs Charge Officers17, 500 Additional Charge Officers6, 300 Principal/District Census Officers1, 500 UDC1, 065 LDC6, 905 Others664 Total25, 42, 934 How Many People will be directly involved?
How much will it Cost? Expenditure (in Rs. Crores) Census2, 200 NPR3, 756 Total5, 956
How much paper? CensusNPRTotal Qty of Paper (in MTs) , 631 No. of Schedules (in Cr) No. of Manuals (in lakhs)
16 Schedule Canvassed in 16 languages Instruction manual printed in 18 languages About 2800 religions returned in 2001 Census 6661 mother tongues returned in 2001 Census How Diverse is the Exercise
Items of Information: Houselisting and Housing Census Information relating to Buildings- Use, Quantity and Quality Amenities available to the Households
Items of Information: Houselisting and Housing Census Assets possessed by the Households 35 Columns relating to Building material, Use of Houses, Drinking water, Availability and type of latrines, Electricity, possession of assets etc. will be canvassed
1Name of person6Sex11Present address of usual residence 2Relationship to Head 7Date of Birth12Duration of stay at present address 3Father’s Name8Marital Status13Permanent Residential Address 4Mother’s Name9Place of Birth14Occupation / Activity 5Spouse’s Name10Nationality as Declared 15Educational Qualification Above details to be collected from all Usual Residents Photograph, Finger Print and Iris (if approved) to be collected for Usual Residents aged 15 years and above Items of Information: NPR 19
Registrar General and Census Commissioner, India Directors of Census Operations, State Principal Census Officers Charge Officers State Coordinator NPR will co-ordinate between State & Central Government Offices Administrative Set Up: Census 20 District Magistrates/Collectors/ Commissioner Corporations Tehsildars/Mamlatdars Enumerators and Supervisors
Registrar General of Citizen Registration State Directors of Citizen Registration District Registrars of Citizen Registration Sub-District Registrars of Citizen Registration Local Registrars of Citizen Registration National Registration Authority Directorate of Census Operations (Each State) District Magistrate of Every Revenue district Sub District Magistrate / Taluka Executive Magistrate Local revenue officer State Coordinator NPR will co-ordinate between State & Central Government Offices Administrative Set Up: NPR 21
National Trainers ( NTs) (90) Master Trainer Facilitators (MTFs) (725) Process : Training Cascade Master Trainer (MTs) (54, 000) Enumerators and Supervisors (27 Lakhs) Train 22 Train
Process : Houselisting (HLO) Scanning of Schedules House to house canvassing for HLO by Enumerators (45 days) Manual Processing of unrecognised images Finalisation of Results Processing of Images using ICR technology Automatic Data Capture
National Population Register Preparation Process Scanning of Schedules And Digitizing of data House to house canvassing for NPR by Enumerators (45 days) Publication of the Local Register of Usual Residents (LRUR) Disposal of Objections/ Claims By Registrars Biometric and Photography Visit 1 (First Round) PHASE I Biometric and Photography Visit 2 (Second Round) PHASE II
National Population Register Preparation Process Publication of the Local Register of Usual Residents (LRUR) Disposal of Objections/ Claims By Registrars Final LRUR with all Usual Residents given An Unique ID De-duplication by Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) Placing the LRUR Before the Grama Sabha / Ward Committee For finalization Creation of National Population Register
A S C I I F I L E Recognition Tiling Completion Exception Export / Archival Prepare Batch Scanning Server
Scanning station Recognition stations Image based Data Entry De-Duplication UIDAI Publication Objections Appeals Finalisation Biometric Capture ORGI Server ID Card
Universal Coverage Accurate Content Timely Completion Difficult Areas Difficult People Improving the disability statistics Publicity and Awareness Creation Way Forward…
Disability: Census 2001 experience
Census 2001 Question Q. 15 : If the person is physically/mentally disabled, give appropriate code number from the list below 1.In Seeing ………… In Speech ………… 2 3. In Hearing ………… 3 4. Movement …… Mental ……………. 5
Type of disability PersonMaleFemale Total21,906,76912,605,6359,301,134 Seeing10,634,8815,732,3384,902,543 Speech1,640,868942,095698,773 Hearing1,261,722673,797587,925 Movement6,105,4773,902,7522,202,725 Mental2,263,8211,354,653909,168 Disability by type India 2001 Source: Census of India 2001
Percentage distribution of the disabled by type India 2001 Source: Census of India 2001
Census of India 2011 Our endeavor would be to improve the quality of data on disability Suggestions invited from the Disability Sector; Feasibility of using the question in mammoth census exercise would be the prime concern; Questions will be placed before the TAC for finalization.
Appeal During Houslisting & Housing Census and NPR Phase: Ensure that the names and other requisite particular of the persons (infants/young/old) with disabilities are recorded in the NPR Schedule; Cooperation and support of Disability Sector is also solicited for creating awareness at the Census of India 2011 (scheduled to be held in February, 2011) as was the case in 2001.
Thank you 35
Census 2001 Question on disability was included in the census schedule of 2001 The provisions in the Persons with Disability Act, 1995 require collection of data on disabled persons Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment made a strong case NGOs and other agencies demanded enumeration of disabled
2001 Census contd. The question was included at the last minute The question was canvassed without pre- testing