HWY 192 – Traffic Crash Study Common Goal – To improve the quality of life in the City of Kissimmee by reducing the number and severity of Traffic crashes. Steps taken to obtain a Highway Safety Grant
Issue: Police Officers reported an increase in the number and severity of traffic crashes occurring on Hwy. 192/Vine Street. The Officers concerns were giving to the Osceola County Community Traffic Safety Team and the issue was assigned to the Florida Department of Transportation CTST members for follow-up. Addressing the Issue: CTST – Local organization with regular members who represent their own agency from either an enforcement, engineering, education or emergency medical services discipline. By working together with interested citizens and other traffic safety advocates within the community, the CTST helps to solve local traffic safety problems related to the driver, the vehicle and the roadway.
3.1 mile Study area of Hwy. 192
Crashes (KPD short & long forms) This data includes all of the roadway (Vine) in the city limits. Information obtained from Kissimmee Police Department Records Crashes (long form reports only) This data was obtained by Osceola County Engineering Crashes (KPD short & long forms) This data includes all of the roadway (Vine) in the city limits. Information obtained from Kissimmee Police Department Records Crashes (KPD short & long forms) This data includes all of the roadway (Vine) in the city limits. Information obtained from Kissimmee Police Department Records. Local, County and State data was obtained and reviewed concerning the Hwy. 192 Study Crashes This data is within the 3.1 mile Vine Street Corridor Information obtained by Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc.
Engineering firm plotted every crash on a diagram and listed cause factor.
Information from FDOT & Kimley-Horn Associates, Inc.
Results of Study: The findings of the study were very revealing and identified an engineering topic (multi-directional lanes) that could be corrected. The improvements would have an immediate impact on the reduction of traffic crashes. How do you get local, State and Federal support along with financial commitment on a documented problem with an identifiable solution? Bring the issues Home….. Talk to the Press, Residents, Business Owners, Community Leaders. Present what the research revealed but take the time to present the issues on a personal level.
Friendly Gesture Pedestrian in roadway.
Vehicle exiting Subway parking lot Notice vehicle edging its way out to cross Vine Street. Observe the red vehicle occupying inside lane. (Major Hazard) Blind Spots resulting in many of the crashes. Car (Blind Spot)
Hwy 192 (Vine Street Today)
Median Improvements
Median Improvements with shrubbery and possibly small trees
Benefits: 4. Main objective – Improving the quality of life which will increase business to the city. 1.Preliminary studies suggest a 40% reduction in traffic crashes when median improvements are complete. 2. Beautification of area – instead of a none friendly concrete roadway the area will have grass, shrubbery & possibly trees making it a more pleasant area to drive and visit. 3. Safer for pedestrian traffic – resulting in an increase of pedestrian traffic/visitors.
What was accomplished: By working with other agencies and departments a partnership was created and there was an automatic buy in for correcting the problem. Bring the issue to the community on a personal level gave a since of urgency and understanding for the project. City was awarded $2.25 million for roadway improvements with an additional $50,000 for landscaping projects.
Lt. Walter C. Wobig Kissimmee Police Department 8 Nth Stewart Avenue Kissimmee, FL Phone: (407) ext FAX: (407) For more Information contact: