Mathematics CCSS & NYS Teaching Standards Barb Amedro Game Rules for Today: 1.Sit by Grade Level 2.No more than 1 person from each district at a table! (ONLY if needed add an additional person from a district.) 3.We may need to add a table. Let me know.
Parking Lot
RTTT: The Big Picture (Race To The Top) STUDENT LEARNING Common Core Learning Standards Data Driven Instruction Teacher Practice Principal Practice
It’s more than just the math…. It’s what we teach… It’s how we teach… It’s how we assess… It’s how we coordinate roles… It’s how we make decisions… It’s ____________ It’s much, much more!
What do you see?
Throughout the day we will be seeing more ingredients we need to consider when drafting our CCSS aligned unit…
Introductions: “ WHO are you and WHY are you here?” At your table: –Introduce yourself to your table team Name (Make a name tent.) What you do/teach –As a table identify 1-3 questions you want answered or information needed today –“Elect” a spokesperson for your table
Getting “Up to Speed” FAST !
How urgent is this stuff anyway???? Let’s take a look at the timeline. Grab a highlighter, pen or pencil
Every teacher delivers at least one CCSS aligned unit per semester (fall/spring) –Consider: Content Standards 8 Standards for Mathematical Practice 7 NYS Teaching Standards 3 Priorities in the Teaching Standards –Cognitive Engagement –Constructivist Learning –21 st Century Readiness 6 Shifts in Mathematics This is more than just covering the math content! Evidence is needed too!
Just a quick note on the… “ Transitional Tests” vs “New Generation Tests” ???
How’d we do last year? Lot’s of reasons/excuses why…. Students? Content? Resources? Parents? Class size? Administration? Snow days? Sickness? Heredity? Phase of the moon? Barb Amedro? Need for conversation with others during the today…
NYS Teaching Standards
Self Reflection! (And guidance for today…) For each of the elements under the standards, grade your self on where you are: 1 -I need a lot more work, haven’t done much with this in recent history 2 -I have worked it some, but need much more work developing these skills 3 -I am pretty good at right now 4 -I am very good at! Then total each of your Standards.
Time for constructive questioning/discussion at the table… Consider - How will the Teaching Standards impact your “CCSS Aligned Unit”???? List examples. Each table should have at least one item to share.
Three Priorities in the Teaching Standards Cognitive Engagement Constructivist Learning 21 st Century Skills
Cognitive Engagement Intellectual involvement with the content is required Minds-on learning Simultaneous and continuous throughout the lesson NOT “time on task”
Constructivist Learning Students making meaning Students making connections Relating to outside world Relating to personal future
21 st Century Readiness College Career Citizenship Collaboration Communication Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Creativity
Putting It All Together
Cognitive Engagement
Putting It All Together Constructivist Learning
Putting It All Together 21 st Century Readiness
How might your CCSS aligned unit integrate: Cognitive Engagement? Constructivist Learning? 21 st Century Readiness? What might change in your instructional practices? Trouble spots???? Need for collaboration?
Shifts in Mathematics 1.Focus 2.Coherence 3.Fluency 4.Deep Understanding 5.Application 6.Dual Intensity Videos available to view on
I did/did not last year ….. With a partner –For all 6 – Give an example of where you DID do this last year! –For all 6 – Give an example of where you DID NOT do this last year!
What does highly effective teaching look like? (fly on the wall syndrome…) Imagine you are in the classroom of a highly effective teacher: What would you see? What would you hear? What would the students be doing or saying? Individually, write one idea per post-it note.
What does highly effective teaching look like? With you table team, cluster your post-it notes together in a way that makes sense, grouping similar ideas together.
“Exemplars” As you read the exemplar, list “ notice-ables ”
Standards for Mathematical Practice K-12 1.Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2.Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 3.Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. 4.Model with mathematics. 5.Use appropriate tools strategically. 6.Attend to precision. 7.Look for and make use of structure. 8.Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning.
Team work…. Without using terminology in BOLD print, explain to the room your assigned “Mathematical Practice” with a 1 minute explanation limit!
“Draft” Model Content Frameworks for Mathematics (not available for K-2) Examples of Key Advances from the Previous Grade Fluency Expectations and Examples of Culminating Standards Examples of Major Within-Grade Dependencies Examples of Opportunities for Connections Among Standards, Clusters, or Domains Examples of Opportunities for In-Depth Focus Examples of Opportunities for Connecting Mathematical Content and Mathematical Practices Instructional Emphases by Cluster
REQUIRED Fluencies in the CCSS Grade Required Fluency K Add/subtract within 5 1 Add/subtract within 10 2 Add/subtract within 20 1 Add/subtract within 100 (pencil and paper) 3 Multiply/divide within Add/subtract within Add/subtract within 1,000,000 5 Multi-digit multiplication 6 Multi-digit division Multi-digit decimal operations 7 Solve px + q = r, p(x + q) = r 8 Solve simple 2X2 systems by inspection
Now your specific grade level! Here we go!
Remember- These are “Examples” NOT an “ALL INCLUSIVE!” (not available K-2)
PARCC- Some clusters require greater emphasis than others. NO material in the standards should be excluded. Grades K-2 / Grades 3-8 Focus / First Priority Additional / Second Priority Sample / Third Priority
Grade Level Standards 1.What content has NOT changed? “Same old, same old” 2.What content limitations are different? “Only cover ___, not through___” 3.What content is eliminated? “No longer in my curriculum.” Teach ONLY if time permits! 4.What content needs addressing ONLY during the transition 1-2 year(s)? i.e. identify any standard(s) that had been taught in grade 4 previously and is now taught in grade 3, double duty for 1-2 years- then DROP IT! 5.Clarifications needed? Resources needed? Etc? Other?
…possibilities… Table discussions: What CCSS aligned unit will you develop? Including which math content standards?
Support What supports are in place or need to be in place to make what’s on your plate more palatable? Check out other states like N.C., Ohio, Mass, AZ.
Teachers Principals Network Teams Administrators Videos, documents, comments, etc. Sign up to post a comment and receive alerts on the latest news at
Surprises…Lack of Direction Does NOT make you helpless!
Teacher-to-Teacher Roundtable