Goose Hollow Hamoud Alotaibi Abdulla Alfaraj Oksana Vasilenko Chad Michael Ricardo Castillo
Neighborhood Pictures
Public Transportation ● This view is from the Goose Hollow/SW Jefferson St. station. ● Residents of Goose Hollow have easy access to Tri-Met busses and trains.
●Population: 2,831 ●Males: 1,774 ●Females: 1,061 ●Median Age: 39.8 years ●A big majority of the neighborhood is white and hispanic Demographics
Neighborhood Issues ●Not Enough Car Parking Space ●Traffic Issues
Neighborhood Car Parking Issues ●95% of residents own a car (Main Cause) ●Average number of cars regularly parked in GH is 1.5 ●Percent of people parking more than one car is 56% ●Percent with access to off-street parking 62% ●55% most frequently use off-street parking ●28% rely on permit parking ●16% use metered parking
How do people feel about the crowded parking issue? ●The people of Goose Hollow want dedicated parking in new, high-density residential/commercial buildings. ●58% of neighbors support the building of new parking facilities in high demand areas. What do people do about this issue? ●Respondents to the survey say they use public transportation (53%), or bike or walk (56%) when commuting to work or for errands, in order to reduce traffic.
Traffic Issues According to the survey done in GH ●59% of the residents are concerned about speeding cars. ●51% have noticed an absence of marked crosswalks ●47% of respondents have noticed that parked cars block intersections and crosswalks. ●Overall from this survey we can see that the majority of the Goose Hollow neighborhood is concerned about the traffic safety.
Why are there traffic issues in the neighborhood? ●Age of the district ●Providence Park is in it ●Mainly Residential ●Close to downtown area
What has the neighborhood done about car parking and traffic issues? ●So far the neighborhood has no plan to solve these issues. What can the people of Goose Hollow do? ●Residents can communicate their concerns to the City Leaders, Mayors, or the Bureau of Transportation
Interviews When we visited the neighborhood….we experienced difficulty finding on street parking in the neighborhood ourselves. We interviewed random people passing by in the neighborhood and many said that their main issue was with parking and traffic.
Car Parking Solutions: ●Parking structures ●Wider roads
Car Parking Solutions: ●Double Floor Parking.
Lack of parking lot
New parking lot in Egypt csc
Solutions for Traffic Issues: ●By expanding parking capacities helps to achieve the traffic issue and create a permit for garage parking in order to reduce pressure on street parking. ●Many people in the neighborhood can use Tri-Met, because it’s easily accessible.
Solutions for Traffic Issues: ●Carpool line ●People can ride their bike to work or school.
Bibliography "GHFL Parking and Transportation Survey." Goose Hollow. 20 Apr Web. 25 Feb TDM Encylcopedia. "Parking Solutions: A Comprehensive Menu of Solutions to Parking Problems." Parking Solutions: A Comprehensize Menu of Solutions to Parking Problems. TDM Encylopedia, 1 Apr Web. 26 Feb "Goose Hollow Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon (OR), 97201, Detailed Profile." Goose Hollow Neighborhood in Portland, Oregon (OR), 97201, Subdivision Profile. Web. 28 Feb