PSD upgrade - schedule/resources: electronics and cooling system F. Guber INR, Moscow NA61/SHINE upgrade workshop, CERN 3– 5 March, 2014
2013: PSD upgrade -July – September (Moscow) Development and construction of FEE/HV/control prototype and test at test-bench at INR - DONE -October-November (CERN) Assembling and test of new electronics for one module at CERN - DONE -November – December (Moscow) Mass production of new PSD electronics – DONE - December (CERN) Development, construction and test of the cooling system prototype for one PSD module based on Peltier element with real TEC controller. - DONE 2
-January (Moscow) - Test of 28 FEE/HV/control for 28 modules prototype at INR – DONE -February – March, 9 (CERN) - Assembling, installation and test of electronics and temperature control system at 28 modules at the PSD and test its readout with old PSD electronics (one-by- one module)- DONE March 10 –April 5 (Moscow) -Test of FEE/HV/control for the rest of 22 modules at INR test-bench. --Development of the PSD stand alone slow control –O.Petukhov, S.Morozov. -Development of the PSD stand alone cooling control system - O.Petukhov, S.Morozov April (Dubna) -Development of the PSD slow control for NA61 DCS – Oleg, Sergei, Tobiasz 2014: PSD upgrade plans/schedule (I)
2014: PSD upgrade plans/schedule (II) - April, (CERN) - Installation of FEE/HV/control/cooling and test of the PSD electronics and temperature control system at NA61. June, (CERN) -Test of FEE/HV/cooling/control systems for the whole PSD with old PSD readout electronics. Fight with noises! -Integration of the PSD cooling monitoring systems into NA61 DCS-O.Petukhov -Test of the PSD platform. -Development of the PSD event display in the existing event browser – O.Petukhov - September 8 – 30 (20-26 Sep: NA61 CM) -The PSD commissioning and test on cosmic; -October 25 - December 16 -PSD run preparation and calibration (muons, protons). -Participation in the physics p-Pb run -Operation of the PSD during the run ???
PSD upgrade resources Development and construction of the PSD FEE/HV/control NA61 – INR agreement; ~ 30 KCHF – INR in-kind contribution (workshop, travel, subsistence) Development and construction of the PSD cooling & control system ~ 12 KCHF - NA61 CF (materials) ~ 6 KCHF – NA61 CF (subsistence, February, 2014) ~ 12 KCHF – INR contribution(workshop, subsistence, travel) Additional expenses are needed: -Power supply for cooling ~ 3K CHF (INR, if necessary) -Travel (tickets) ~ 9K CHF (INR) -Subsistence: ~ 50 kCHF is necessary! - 18K CHF + (10 KCHF ??) - INR; ~ 20 – 30 KCHF – ?? -
Thank you