What makes up an ecosystem? Biotic factors Plants Animals Bacteria Etc. Abiotic factors Water Light Temperature Soil
What factors can determine population size? Limiting factors are things that can limit the growth of a population Ex/ amount of space, food and water, predators, competition (See picture on page 319)
Energy flow in an ecosystem All energy comes from the SUN!! Producers – carry out photosynthesis, trapping the sun’s energy to make food Consumers – feed on other organisms
Food Chains and Food Webs.. Food chains show a series of events where energy flows through an ecosystem Food webs show all of the possible ways energy can flow through an ecosystem (links all the food chains)
Energy Pyramids.. Show the amount of energy that moves from one feeding level to another in a food web The most energy is available at the producer level As you move up the pyramid, each level has less energy available