Motor Speed Josh Edwards
Description Circuit will calculate the RPMs of the motor using the NT3100 and output to a 7 segment display Motor will be driven by the PWM OCR2 with the duty cycle determined by the frequency of switch one being pressed
Hardware Design NT3100 and CD4050 connect to PB1 SW1 connected to PB0 DC motor and MOSFET connected to OCR2 7 segment display connect to PA
Software Design Set up the push button SW1 to a counter to calculate the number of presses per second and create a duty cycle based on the speed Set up the NT3100 to a counter to calculate the RPMs of the motor Output the RPMs to the 7 segment display
Testing Method Make sure the 7 segment display shows the correct RPMS Find an accurate duty cycle algorithm for the presses per second on the switch Test different duty cycles and make sure RPMs adjust correctly
Further Work Need to research exact usage of 7 segment display Fine tuning of duty cycle