HiRadMat box relative to beam position and vertical lift table
Beam/lift table CL Key Box C of G 4mm 64mm 193mm ~25mm clearance
Beam position data used as shown below This is from the CERN step file, which is in agreement with the dimensions I received from Adrian last year.
Proposals and queries HiRadMat test shots. – In the last discussion on this it was suggested by Illias that we remove the box entirely from the path of the beam. I propose to do this by moving the box out of the beam in the manner shown in the previous slide. Note – Is it necessary to pull the box a full 50mm out of the beam? Previously when we discussed the design of the HiRadMat boxes we made the beam windows Dia 50mm (Rad 25mm) with the understanding that 25mm was enough to cope with a maximum beam mis- steer. Does the same principal not hold for the test shot, and should ~25-30mm not be enough? I also note that we are not seeing the need to move the box both horizontally and vertically to get it out of the beam. The previous page shows clearance between the box and everything else even when it is pulled 50mm out of the beam. Do we have a discrepancy between our models? – Test shots, Illias also suggested moving the lift table such that the Centre line of the lift table is below the average Centre of Gravity position of the box. Note, you will see from the previous slide that the current vertical lift table CL is some way offset on one side from all the box positions. If we indeed need to move the box 50mm out of the beam, then I propose we should move the vertical lift table by 4mm + (193mm- 4mm)/2mm = 98.5mm. (note – I will go through my model and check my C of G data before making a final proposal) If we decide on a smaller clearance between box and beam for the test shot, we could reduce the amount we offset the lift table, and of course the maximum bending load that the lift table is subjected to. HiRadMat vertical lift table. – I believe the weight of the whole assembly (inner and box with samples) is now approximately 55kg. Could you let me know whether this ok for the vertical lift table, including with the box in it’s max offset positions. Note as mentioned in the previous section, reducing the amount that we move the box out of the beam for the test shots will reduce the amount of bending force that the vertical lift table is subjected to, so we should consider this carefully
Questions What is the range of the LDV (ideally more than 10cm)? Angles of the LDV to the glass and samples? Moving the lift table under the centre of the box movement range Which LDV and whose responsibility (laser + DAQ)? What is the clearance needed for beam test shot Off centre mass on DC motor to calibrate LDV Darkening of the glass with radiation?