Becky Douglas, MS4 Coordinator, City of Columbus Whitney Sauerheber, Mill Creek-Blue River Watershed Coordinator, Washington Co. SWCD
What does each sign tell you?
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone who used a public road, highway, or interstate could know what this sign means?
Tennessee Dept. of Environment and Conservation and the Tennessee Department of Transportation have partnered to locate unique Watershed Signs along interstate and state highway routes. These signs increase public awareness about the importance of watersheds and encourage good stewardship of the state’s valuable rivers, streams, wetlands, lakes and ground water.
Project idea by state commissioner; Followed through years later by another commissioner; TDOT jumped on board and included MS4 section; Used MS4 education funds to develop and plan project; Project was questioned by legislature about the amount of money to be used;
After clarification of the project and use of signs, it was an easy sell; Signs have been in place for a number of years; After project was started, smaller watershed groups were given smaller signs to display in their community to educate the public about watersheds at home.
TENNESSEE INFORMATION BASICS: 77 Interstate signs, 110 Route signs at entry points to the 55 watersheds throughout the state. TDOT installed the signs. $3,500/Interstate sign, $237/Route sign Large sign is 24” wide X 36” long Projected total cost - $280, TDOT & TDEC partnered to fund the project. Public information documents available at:
Hi Becky, There we’re no major concerns on the part of our district Technical Services Directors particularly if the signs are provided and installed via permit. One of them asked about the purpose of the signing and I explained while it can be considered a general information sign (for a geographical feature) that the primary reason is to heighten public awareness and encourage better care taking of our waterways. I have ed Reggie at IDEM so that we can discuss a possible joint MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) and/or policy where the permits to install would be routed in some way through their agency. I’ll keep you updated with further progress. Dave
What is next?
An Indiana Guide to Developing a Local Watershed Signage Program
An Indiana Guide to Developing a Local Watershed Signage Program Sign Logo
An Indiana Guide to Developing a Local Watershed Signage Program Sign Logo Location Selection
An Indiana Guide to Developing a Local Watershed Signage Program Sign Logo Location Selection Local/State/Federal signage requirements
An Indiana Guide to Developing a Local Watershed Signage Program Sign Logo Location Selection Local/State/Federal signage requirements Maintenance