Entertainment Mid Range Plan Strategy Towards Emerging Market Sony Corp. Corporate Planning & Control Division September 30, 2010
Global Media & Entertainment Market by Region Source:PwC, Global entertainment and media outlook: 2010 – 2014, Excluding B to B and Internet access. The biggest entertainment market is North America. China, India, Russia, and Brazil is expected to show the biggest growth over the next five years Global Entertainment Market : $966 Bil (Note):EMEA consists of Europe (excluding euro5,&Russia), Middle East & Africa Pan Asia is excluding Jpn,China,India,Australia Latin is Latin America excluding Brazil
Filmed Entertainment Market by Region North America consists of 44% of global filmed entertainment. Top 3 regions (N.America, Euro5 &Japan) occupies 76% of market. China, India and Russia is expected to show the biggest growth. Australia and Latin America is also expected to grow Filmed Entertainment : $87.3 Bil Source:PwC, Global entertainment and media outlook: 2010 – 2014 (Note):EMEA consists of Europe (excluding euro5,&Russia), Middle East & Africa Pan Asia is excluding Jpn,China,India,Australia Latin is Latin America excluding Brazil
TV Subscriber Market Forecast by Region N. America (Subscriber Penetration ratio %) 100$B 26$B 34$B Source:PwC, Global entertainment and media outlook: EMEA Euro 5 Pan Asia Australia Russia China Brazil Japan India Latin (Note):EMEA consists of Europe (excluding euro5,&Russia), Middle East & Africa Pan Asia is excluding Jpn,China,India,Australia Latin America is excluding Brazil North America is the biggest market. India has high subscriber penetration ratio and is also expected to show high growth. China, Russia and Australia is also expected to see big growth. The Netherlands, Turkey, Hungary and Indonesia could be also interesting markets. Colored bubble : forecasted market size in 2014 ; CAGR Dotted bubble : actual market size in 2009 ;CAGR
Music Market Forecast by Region (Digital Contribution ) Top 5 countries currently occupies 73% of total music market (Digital music market is 32% of total ). Recorded music market growth is expected to improve and China, South Korea, Spain, Australia, Brazil is to show high growth. Digital music market growth is expected to be led by W.Europe. Colored bubble : forecasted market size in 2014 ; CAGR Dotted bubble : actual market size in 2009 ;CAGR Source: PwC, Global entertainment and media outlook (CAGR %)
Global Media & Entertainment Market by Region (Note):EMEA consists of Europe (excluding euro5,&Russia), Middle East & Africa Pan Asia is excluding Jpn,China,India,Australia Latin is Latin America excluding Brazil Source:PwC, Global entertainment and media outlook: 2010 – 2014, Excluding B to B. The biggest entertainment market is North America. China, India, Russia, and Brazil is expected to show the biggest growth over the next five years Global Entertainment Market : $1,213 Bil TV/Internet Included