BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY 7 tips to a Happy and Stress-Free Holiday Season!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY What is your history with the holidays? What causes you the most stress? Do you have a vision of your perfect holiday? Do you find that other people and traditions have more control over your holiday schedule than you do?
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY What if this year your holidays could be: Happier More satisfying Terrific Memories
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Then adding a few Building Blocks of Recovery concepts can make the difference!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY What do you think are the reasons that most people have stressful holidays? Painful Memories Unrealistic Expectations Co Dependence
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY By utilizing specific tools of recovery you can have a constant reminder of who you want to be how you want to feel We will be applying 7 Tips to make this a stress free holiday season!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY TIP ONE Manage your diet and keep it plant based! Yes, you can say NO! Poor diets increase stress! Sugar and alcohol are the same thing!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Tip Two Get real about your schedule Sleep and rest are your #1 Priority! Drop the glorification of busy!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Tip Three Tapas- managing your inner fire! What is your reason for doing all that you do during the holidays? You are 100% response-able in your life!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Tip Four Ahimsa- non violence Running self to exhaustion does not make you or those around you happy. Drop the resentments- there are no “HAVE TO’s”
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY TIP Five Be your word Walk in peace
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Tip Six Practicing mindfulness In Body In energy With food
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY Tip Seven This is more than one day, one party, one season. Defining who you are and combining it with how you are in the season The best gift ever!
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY When we stop the glorification of busy When we move from a place of love and service When we learn how to have integrity with our speech and actions We are joy.
BUILDING BLOCKS OF RECOVERY If you would like to learn more of how to have joy in the midst of life: Building Blocks of Recovery is now accepting applications for 5 private students to begin the 7 week study course beginning Jan 5, 2015 Or You can book with me for a weekend retreat.