Four Blocks Literacy Framework What is the Four Blocks program? How does it work? How do Big Blocks/Four Blocks compare? Assessment Why did we choose Four Blocks for MDS?
What is the Four Blocks Program? The Four Blocks-Guided Reading, Self-Selected Reading, Writing and Working with Words-represent four different approaches to teaching children to read. Each of the Four Blocks is taught daily. The Four Blocks: Guided Reading Writing Self-Selected Reading Working with Words
Guided Reading (40-50 minutes) Goals: Teach comprehension skills and strategies. Teach children how to read different types of literature. Develop background knowledge, oral language, and meaning vocabulary. Instructional groups using leveled library (fluency and accuracy at instructional reading level) Maintain the self-confidence and motivation of struggling readers. Structure/Activities: Focuses on strategies for before, during, and after reading. Small group instruction, partner reading, independent reading.
Writing (20-30 minutes) Goals: See writing as a way to tell about things. Write fluently. Learn to read through writing. Apply grammar and mechanics in their own writing. Learn particular forms of writing. Maintain the self-confidence and motivation of struggling writers. Structure/Activities: Mini-Lesson-Teacher writing and modeling a specific skill. Children writing and teacher conferencing. Sharing (Author’s Chair, celebrating published work)
Self-Selected Reading (10-30 minutes) Goals: Share different kinds of literature through teacher read- aloud. Encourage children’s reading interests. Provide instructional level materials. Build intrinsic motivation. Structure/Activities: Teacher read-aloud Children reading chosen books, teacher conferencing Sharing (book talks)
Word Study (20-30 minutes) Goals: Learn to read and spell high-frequency words. Learn patterns used to decode and spell lots of other words. Transfer word knowledge to their own reading and writing. Structure/Activities: Words Their Way (spelling inventories, developmental word sorts, games) Word Wall
How does Four Blocks compare to Big Blocks? More focus on working with words. Activities tailored to beginning and young readers. Less time spent working with words (20 minutes 2- 3 days per week). Activities appropriate for 4 th and 5 th grade. More written responses to reading (daily logs, response journals). More content reading with non-fiction texts added. Four BlocksBig Blocks
Assessment Fountas and Pinnell IRI’s to determine instructional and independent reading levels. (Running records using leveled books, word recognition) Published writing to add to portfolios, showing progression over time. Words their Way spelling inventories. Notes from conferencing with students and small- group instruction.
Why did we choose Four Blocks for MDS? Includes all of the vital components of a whole, balanced literacy program. To meet the diverse learning needs of students. Four Blocks/Big Blocks allows us to differentiate for student abilities. Four Blocks fits easily into inquiry. Allows for reading REAL books at correct instructional level. This is a MUST for reading growth and achievement. Basal curriculums are designed with only grade level material in mind. Facilitates reading and writing for a PURPOSE. Aligns to Common Core Standards.