Part 2 - Report Task List: What you have to do To accompany your pitch you should produce a report that explains the various technical and structural elements of the music video as a form. The report should include analysis of: Format: (the performance video, the concept video). Performance modes: (to camera as: live, in character, within narrative, off camera - outside of narrative). Genre: (pastiche, parody, animation, comedy, drama, adventure, thriller). None conventional genre: (Impressionist, surrealist). Conventions: (lyric interpretation, referential video, commercial influence). Techniques: (cutting to beat, effects, miming, multi-image, camera movements/angles/framing, chroma key, the one take). (P2) For higher marks, you should provide both current and past examples; and provide some commentary on the development of music video. (PMD2)
Performance Modes live, in character, within narrative, off camera - outside of narrative.
Rihanna – We’ve Found Love (In Character) Billy Talent – Viking Death March (Live) The Used – I Caught Fire (Outside of Narrative) Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop (Within Narrative)
Conventions Lyric interpretation, referential video, commercial influence
R Kelly – Trapped in the Closet Lyric Interpretation Lady Gaga – Telephone (Referential Video, Commercial Influence)
Techniques The different techniques used in music videos are numerous, many have become synonymous with the codes and conventions of the format. Cutting to beat, effects, miming, multi-image, camera movements/angles/framing, chroma key, the one take/shot.
Miming Every artist who makes a music video will employ lip-synching in their video unless it is a live recording. There are also examples of videos where people other than the artist lip-synch as well. Ed Sheeran – Lego HouseNickelback – Rock Star
Chroma Key Chroma key compositing, or chroma keying, is a special effects / post-production technique for compositing (layering) two images or video streams together based on colour hues (chroma range). Little Mix - DNA
Multi-image is where the use of more than one image fills the screen at the same time. This can be used to tell a story from more than one perspective. Multi-Image Blink AlwaysDestiny’s Child - Emotion
One Take/Shot A "one-shot" is any music video which consists of action, continuous in time and space, from the perspective of a single camera, a single long take. Taylor Swift – We are never ever getting back together. Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song
To make one several special techniques are used. Such as changing stage props, actors and costumes that are not in the shot, also shooting other parts before to be played on video screens. Although mostly they are just the artist going through the song one in a continuous way, as in such videos as Yellow by Coldplay.
List of Music Videos Featured Ed Sheeran – Lego House Nickelback – Rock Star Little Mix – DNA Blink 182 – Always Destiny’s Child – Emotion Taylor Swift – We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Bruno Mars – The Lazy Song Coldplay – Yellow Rihanna – We’ve Found Love Billy Talent – Viking Death March The Used – I Caught Fire Mackelmore and Ryan Lewis – Thrift Shop Lady Gaga – Telephone R Kelly – Trapped in the Closet