Senior English for China Student’s Book 1A 03 级外语系本科三班 闫海静 Unit 4 Unforgettable experience The second period
Questions: 1. What natural disaster happened? And who were trapped? Flood. Jeff and Flora were trapped.
2. What were Flora’s first two feelings when she turned around and saw the water coming? surprise/wonder/curiosity 3. Why was Jeff looking for the chimney? He thought the chimney was strong and would stand in flood
Careful- reading Work out what the underlined words refer to? 1.Before she could move, she heard a loud noise, grew to a terrible roar. she saw a wall of water that was quickly advacing towards her. She wanted to watch Flora, beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet, started crying. For some moments were silent. which There it. whose both
Explanation 1. There she saw a wall of water that was quickly advancing towards her. 在那里,她看见一堵墙似的洪水快速 地朝她涌来。 1 ) wall of fire/water,... a tall mass of something such as fire or water, that stops anything from getting past.
The boat was hit by a wall of water. 巨浪击打着小船。 2) advance n. ( forward movement or development ) 前进;进展;进行 in advance 预先,事先 pay in advance 预先付款 stop the enemy’s advance 阻止敌军前进
2. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her. 然而, 还没有来得及细想, 洪水就向她 扑来。 1 ) think twice: have a think about what to do next 三思,再三考虑 2 ) before: (earlier than the time when) “ 在 …… 之前 ” 或 “ 还没来得及 ”
3. Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water, which must have been three meters deep. 一棵一棵的树被起码有三米深的洪水 冲倒。 1) 句中 “must have done” 表对过去所发 生事情的推测。
2) must have done 表对过去所发生事情 的肯定性推测, 如果是否定性的推 测, 要用 can’t /couldn’t have done 。 You couldn’t have seen the play last week. 你不可能在上周看了这部戏。
3)may/might have done 也是对过去事情 的推测,但把握性不大。 They may have finished the work. 他们也许已完成了工作。 注意: might have done 和 could have done 还有 “ 本可以做(实际没做) ” 之意。
4) Should (ought to) have done 表示 “ 本 应该做,但并没有做。 ” 用 ought to 语 气强一些。 I should have thought of it. 我本应该想到这一点。(但并没有 想到)
5) needn’t have done 表示 “ 不必做的事情 却做了 ” There was plenty of time. He needn’t have hurried. 当时时间还很充足,他本没有必要那 么匆忙的。
Pracitce for understanding 1 、 "However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her" Which is Not the correct explanation to this sentence? A 、 She has no idea that the water came upon her so soon. B 、 She had no time to think more before the water was upon her. C 、 The water came upon her so soon that she had no time to think more. D 、 The water came upon her so soon that she didn't think it for the second time.
2 、 What's the Chinese for the phrase "get on her feet"? A 、双脚站立 B 、爬到脚上 C 、淹没脚部 D 、踩到脚上 3 、 Which of the following statements is Not true? A 、 Flora was so surprised by the coming water that she couldn't do anything at once. B 、 The garden was completely destroyed by the water. C 、 Jeff and Flora were saved by holding the chimney. D 、 It was Flora who first found the flood.
4. The word " after" in " Tree after tree went down, cut down by the water." has the same meaning as _________. A. We will come back after 10 o'clock. B. He would look after my baby when I went shopping. C. Many tourists will come to visit this temple year after year. D. The place was named after a famous explorer Columbus.
5 、 How many times did Flora fall over on her way to the house? twice
Tell the story in your own words First, … Second … Then … Finally …
Fill in the table below: First Next Then Finally Flora saw Jeff running and waving his arms. She turned around and saw a wall of water advancing towards her quickly. The water swept Jeff and Flora down and they were struggling for their lives. They tried to get to the house and climbed the stairs to be safe from the water. Part of the house fell down but they were safe next to the chimney.
1. Retell the story with the help of the table, using First, Next, Then and Finally. Homework 2. Find out all the Attributive Clause in the text.