Project Management Plan Mt. Angel Abbey Archives LI863XI Project Management for MLS Group Project Plan July 15, 2007 TECH SERVICES GROUP April Younglove Kate Wise Patty Charlesworth
Introduction Mt. Angel Abbey was founded in 1882 by Benedictine by monks from the Abbey of Engelberg in Switzerland. Mt. Angel Abbey Library serves patrons including monks of the abbey, students and faculty of the affiliated seminary and researchers.
Introduction, cont’d The Abbey Archives is a primary focus of the library. The geographic focus of the archive collection is Mt. Angel Abbey and its various apostolates, with the primary collection subject area being all areas regarding life at the Abbey. The primary collection includes: liturgies, the work of the seminary, the library, and all activities sponsored by the Abbey. A secondary collecting subject area is Catholic history in Oregon, including early territorial history. The Abbey Archives also houses individual collections of original music by several of the monks including Father Dominic Waedenschyler and Abbot Placidus Fuerst. While the Abbey restricts access to its archive collections, arrangements can be made through scheduled appointments for research.
Initiation Phase Project Name: Database for Mt. Angel Abbey Archives Project Overview: Mt. Angel Abbey currently does not have a digital system for information storage in their archive. The Abbey is interested in creating a database to cross reference material, more easily locate items within the archive (for instance, to search by both author and event) and make finding aids and post them online. Currently the archive only has finding aids for the photographs and these aids are not online.
Project Initiation, cont’d Purpose and Goal: To make the location of materials in the Mt. Angel Abbey easier for users. Project Manager: Library science student
Project Initiation, cont’d Team Members: One monk and one nun who run the archives – they will advise the project manager in database creation through interviews and constant feedback, also, the nun should create finding aids. Stakeholders: Members of the abbey, local churches connected to the abbey, historians, the public, workers in the abbey’s archives and library.
Project Planning Project Objectives: To deliver collection content through digital technology To facilitate the location and use of archival material. To document & preserve the cultural heritage of Mt. Angel Abbey To develop collection finding aids
Project Planning, cont’d Scope: Provide digital access to a cultural heritage collection, through the use of online finding aids. Cost: Computers, with hard drive space, are available for the actual database construction. The project is being undertaken by a SLIM student who will be receiving a grade, therefore labor is being provided at no charge. The database will be constructed in Access which may require a purchase involving $ Time: There is no official deadline for this project as far as the abbey is concerned. The LIS student, however, must conform to the time parameters set for the class which is two and one-half months. During this time period the database will be created and put online. The cataloging will take an additional six to twelve months, and will be performed by library archives staff.
Project Planning, cont’d Available Resources: Staff members’ expertise and familiarity with the collection Library Science student expertise and familiarity with database creation, organization, theory and best practices Web access Computers Prior descriptive /cataloging data Volunteers from a nearby church
Project Planning, cont’d Limitations: Several limitations may impact this project. The project is being undertaken by a library science student with a half-time day job in addition to this project. While labor is being provided free of charge, therefore no funding is necessary, the technical expertise/assistance of the student may be limited once the project is completed. This student will want to address this limitation when creating the database by making it user friendly and by providing training to the monks and nuns working in the archives. Another limitation may be approval time. The authority structure of the abbey requires all work to be approved by the abbot, which may add time.
Project Planning, cont’d Work Breakdown Schedule (Tasks): Using the Work Breakdown Schedule (Richman, p.80, Fig. 8-1) would be beneficial to estimate a specific task schedule Nuns will answer questions and periodically test the database during creation. Nuns and monks will be responsible for cataloging, during and after creation. Breakdown of database creations stages: Concept map Database creation Database testing & revision Interface polishing Putting information on the Web
Project Execution Information Needed During Execution: How and where the pieces in the collection are physically located Regular updates on percentage completed Any unexpected costs incurred Any unexpected setbacks Feedback from project advisors (monks and nuns) Any necessary technology updates Previous finding aids used
Project Execution, cont’d Data collection methods during the project: Schedules detailing percentage completed Checklist/master list of materials to be indexed and entered into the digital database Feedback in the form of meeting notes from project advisors
Project Execution, cont’d Controlling Objectives: Benchmarks: The first cataloguing of items Teaching people how to use the database Transferring information about catalogued items Assessments Favorable grade given by instructor Used easily by nuns & monks Continued use into the future
Project Execution, cont’d Monitoring the Team: Communication with project advisors will be in person in the form of regular meetings. These meetings will provide informal feedback and assessment on fulfillment of project goals and objectives, and provide a forum for necessary changes to the project. Dealing with Changes: Changes will be approved by all project team members and the abbot To monitor and track requests for changes to the project plan a form such as Figure A (see next slide) will be usedFigure A This form will be made available in an online format to facilitate ease of request submission
Project Execution, cont’d Mt. Angel Abbey Change Request & Approval Form Project title: Date: ActivityRevision Activity description: Submitted by:Date: Description of change: Reason for Change: Impact of change on this activity and on other activities ActivityImpact on scheduleImpact on costImpact on scope Approvals ( Adapted from : Richman, p. 187)
Project Execution, cont’d Communicating wit Stakeholders during Project Execution: Updates in the form of a newsletter will be sent to all interested stakeholders on a regular basis Communication will also take place through regular church communication channels i.e. bulletin, etc.
Project Closedown Evaluation of Project: The project will be evaluated with a grade. It will also be evaluated by the abbot who will approve the final product for use. In addition, the completed project will be compared to the initial project goals to see how things changed, could have been different or will be done differently next time the library science student creates a database.
Project Closedown Dissembling the Team: The PM will gradually reduce contact after the class. After she has helped the abbot put items online, she will no longer work on the project and it will be considered complete. At this point, it should be easy for the remaining team members to complete cataloging and then, the database will be complete and the nun and monk responsible for the archives should be able to add information to the database gradually as new items come in.
Project Closedown Project Review with Stakeholders: The entire database will be mapped with boxes and lines (kind of like a mind map) and it will be downloaded and sent to the instructor of the class for evaluation. The abbot will look at the database and listen to reports from the two archives workers. Upon approval, these workers will inform and instruct (along with the PM) volunteers and interested library staff. Church members will see results online and hopefully will increase their use of and support for the archives as a result.
References Mount Angel Abbey Library. (2007). Mount Angel Abbey. Accessed July 9, 2007 at in/library.htm in/library.htm Richman, L. (2002). Project management:step-by-step. New York: AMACOM American Management Association.