Objective 1 Development of NATO integrated R&D Management Concept and Model Presented by Assoc. Prof. Dr Tsvetan Tsvetkov UNWE-DNRS
Tasks –To develop a methodology for further scientific analysis and research on the topic –To explore NATO and developed countries best practices and regulations –To explore Defence Industry Transformation processes in Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia –To formulate a Concept for Management of Security Related R&D in Support of Defence Industrial Transformation –To formulate a Model for Management of Security Related R&D in Support of Defence Industrial Transformation –To standardize continually information available according to NATO AC/135 in order to integrate assets and capabilities into the NATO Master Catalogue of References for Logistics (NMCRL )
Activities – Objective 1 ActivityDuration 1.1 Research methodology development 3 months 1.2 NATO/EU and developed countries practice exploration 3 months 1.3 Bulgarian, Romanian and Macedonian defence industry transformation exploration 3 months
Activities (continue) ActivityDuration 1.4. Concept development3 months 1.5. Model development and demonstration 3 months 1.6. Final improvements of the model and demonstration 3 months
Research methodology development (activity 1.1.)
NATO/EU and developed countries practice exploration (activity 1.2.) NATO/EU regulations and practices Developed countries practice exploration: –US - Italy –UK- The Netherlands –France - Israel –Germany
Areas to search good practices: Country’s innovation system National R&D/innovation policy and strategy Defence acquisition cycle. Specificity of every phase Defence acquisition regulations Defence acquisition projects regulations. Projects evaluation methodology. Integrated projects teams’ creation and management Programme management of defence acquisition resources MoD own research potential MoD knowledge management system MoD contracts management system Cooperation between MoD and defence industry Strategic technology partnership between MoD and defence industry (Public- Private Partnership) and between enterprises Transparency and accountability supporting procedures. Civil control