PPD Safety Update Bin a long lonely lonely lonely lonely time Rob Harper,
Coming up… Corporate SHE objectives Safety codes Risk assessments Incidents and near misses SHE Training PPD safety committee
STFC SHE Objectives Increase reporting of near misses. All Staff complete on-line DSE training and DSE workstation self-assessments. Complete to plan all actions arising from SHE tours, SHE audits and SoPS incidents.
Safety Codes Recently released – Safe use of work equipment Short presentation coming up…
Risk Assessments We have 2 volunteers to help with audit Have had a meeting with SHE group to exclude a bunch of old risk assessments Need to actually go through the RAs now (on me)
Incidents and Near Misses Please remember to report near misses (and encourage your staff to do so) via SHE enterprise Most recent reported incident was sparks and crackles in a computer monitor. Reminder to pay attention to electrical kit, even with PAT labels! I’m sure there have been other incidents (eg. due to leaking ceilings) but nothing else reported.
SHE Training Corporate objective is to complete DSE training and assessments for all staff, so put this in APR (if not too late). A catalogue of SHE training is available on the SHE Group web site.
PPD Safety Committee We haven’t traditionally had a safety committee in PPD. The plan was to use senior staff meetings to go through safety matters in more detail. This generally feels rushed and cannot really be done in the way it deserves to be done. Plus I need help keeping on top of safety stuff. I don’t know how best to constitute a safety committee, but I feel it would make sense for the department. I intend to discuss how this sort of thing usually works with SHE group and then get it set up.
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