Issues Significant increase/decrease in enrolment: a)Lunglei – 27% (increase) b)Mamit-48% (increase) c)Serchhip-48% (increase) d)Kolasib-15% (decrease) Reasons: a)Wrong assumption of Cl-V enrolment in the Primary Section. b)Wrong assumption of Cl-VIII enrolment in the Middle School Section. c)Wrong-entry of enrolment in district-wise.
Issues Increase/decrease in enrolment of all districts are: 1.Aizawl- 8.82% 2.Champhai-10.91% 3.Kolasib-20.60% 4.Lawngtlai-13.01% 5.Lunglei-12.44% 6.Mamit-38.46% 7.Saiha-11.99% 8.Serchhip-10.25% Repatriation of Bru-Refugees in Mamit and Kolasib District indicate the high increase in enrolment.
Issues Difference in 3 rd QPR and AWP&B figures on Cooking Cost & Honorarium of Cooks-cum Helpers & delay in payment of Honorarium to cook cum helper. The actual payment of Cooking Cost and Honorarium of Cooks-Cum Helper was shown as actual in the 3 rd Quarter QPR and it is shown as anticipated expenditure in the AWP&B Reasons: At the time of preparation and submission of AWP&B , the Department released the Cooking Cost and Honorarium of Cooks Cum Helpers only upto the October, 2011 due to non-availabilty of fund. It is very regretted that as it is wrongly entered in the AWP&B as payment.
Issues Irregular Supply of Rice in Schools during the visit of M.I There was certain problems in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in lifting of Rice to Schools for a certain period of time during the visit. They were requested to lift as an earliest and the same problem does not repeat till date.
Mid-Day Meal fund Receipt & Expenditure Statement for the year under Central Fund as Sl.No RECEIPTExpenditure (+) Saving/(-) Excess (Rs in lakhs) Particular Amount received (Rs in lakhs) Particulars Financial (Rs in lakhs) 1Opening Balance Cooking Cost Adhoc Grant Honorarium of Cook First Intallment Cost of Foodgrains Second installement Transportation Cost Additional (not yet drawn) MME TOTAL
Reason for excess in Expenditure Against PAB approval of 1,10,000 students in Primary stage and 50,000 students in Upper Primary stage, the State has provided MDM to 137,401 primary students and upper primary students. The Total approved Students being 1,60,000 while the state feeds 1,88,508 (Pry + Upp. Pry) students by exceeding 28,508 which is 17.82%. The average actual availed is more than the PAB approval by 13,426. PAB has approved 4,876 Cook-cum-Helper while the State engaged 5,044 Cook-cum Helper according to norms. 168 cook-sum helper were engaged in excess of PAB approval. The excess in expenditure is met from the State Share available in the account.
Budget for the year
No. of Institutions for Institutions ExistingPROPOSAL Primary Schools1484 Upper Primary Schools1022 TOTAL2506
No. of Students for Institutions EnrollmentPROPOSAL Primary Schools (Cl I -V)1,37,4011,27,000 Upper Primary Schools (Cl VI-VIII)51,10747,000 TOTAL 1,88,5081,74,000
Transportation Cost The average prevailing PDS rate for the whole state at present is Rs per quintal.
Allocation in the state Budget The State will allocate Rs lakhs for the year in its Budget.
Sl No.ITEMGapReplacement Grand Total 1Kitchen Devices Proposal for Kitchen- Device
Mid-Day Meal fund Receipt & Expenditure Statement for the year under Central Fund as Sl.No RECEIPTExpenditure (+) Saving/(-) Excess (Rs in lakhs) Particular Amount received (Rs in lakhs) Particulars Financial (Rs in lakhs) 1Opening Balance Cooking Cost Adhoc Grant Honorarium of Cook First Intallment Cost of Foodgrains Second installement Transportation Cost Additional (not yet drawn) MME TOTAL
Reason for excess in Expenditure Against PAB approval of 1,10,000 students in Primary stage and 50,000 students in Upper Primary stage, the State has provided MDM to 137,401 primary students and upper primary students. The Total approved Students being 1,60,000 while the state feeds 1,88,508 (Pry + Upp. Pry) students by exceeding 28,508 which is 17.82%. The average actual availed is more than the PAB approval by 13,426. PAB has approved 4,876 Cook-cum-Helper while the State engaged 5,044 Cook-cum Helper according to norms. 168 cook-sum helper were engaged in excess of PAB approval. The excess in expenditure is met from the State Share available in the account.
Issues Significant increase/decrease in enrolment: a)Lunglei – 27% (increase) b)Mamit-48% (increase) c)Serchhip-48% (increase) d)Kolasib-15% (decrease) Reasons: a)Wrong assumption of Cl-V enrolment in the Primary Section. b)Wrong assumption of Cl-VIII enrolment in the Middle School Section. c)Wrong-entry of enrolment in district-wise.
Issues Increase/decrease in enrolment of all districts are: 1.Aizawl- 8.82% 2.Champhai-10.91% 3.Kolasib-20.60% 4.Lawngtlai-13.01% 5.Lunglei-12.44% 6.Mamit-38.46% 7.Saiha-11.99% 8.Serchhip-10.25% Repatriation of Bru-Refugees in Mamit and Kolasib District indicate the high increase in enrolment.
Issues Difference in 3 rd QPR and AWP&B figures on Cooking Cost & Honorarium of Cooks-cum Helpers & delay in payment of Honorarium to cook cum helper. The actual payment of Cooking Cost and Honorarium of Cooks-Cum Helper was shown as actual in the 3 rd Quarter QPR and it is shown as anticipated expenditure in the AWP&B Reasons: At the time of preparation and submission of AWP&B , the Department released the Cooking Cost and Honorarium of Cooks Cum Helpers only upto the October, 2011 due to non-availabilty of fund. It is very regretted that as it is wrongly entered in the AWP&B as payment.
Issues Irregular Supply of Rice in Schools during the visit of M.I There was certain problems in Food, Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs Department in lifting of Rice to Schools for a certain period of time during the visit. They were requested to lift at an earliest and the same problem does not repeat till date.
Thank you