11 th Meeting of NFSM-EC 18 th January, 2013 at AJC Bose Hall, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi
Assam Agriculture – Basic Information Net Cropped Area28.11 lakh hectare (36 p.c. of Geographical Area) Grossed Cropped Area40.99 lakh hectare Cropping Intensity146 p.c. Rice area covered by HYV ( ) 67% of total Rice area. Rice area covered by Hybrids3.6% of total Rice area Area under Pulses ( )1.32 lakh hectare (3.2% of Gross Cropped Area) Per capita land holding1.11 hectare (as per Agriculture Census) Availability of Farm Power ( ) 1.02 HP per hectare Area under Assured Irrigation ( ) 29% of Net Cropped Area Consumption of Fertilizer ( ) Kg. per hectare
CropProductivity (Kg. per hectare) (anticipat ed / target) Rice Wheat Maize Pulses Foodgrains Oilseeds Jute Sugarcane Cropwise comparative productivity
Sl. No. CropAs per 2 nd advanced estimates by SASA As per departmental assessment 1Kharif Rice Kharif Pulses Kharif Oilseeds Jute Sugarcane Rabi/Summer Rice Wheat Maize Rabi Pulses Rabi Oilseeds Note : Production estimates based on CC Experiments are not yet done by SASA. Cropwise production estimates during (lakh MT)
Expenditure statement of NFSM, Sl. No. Particulars Approved By GOI 1 Approved by GOI Fund Released by GOI Expenditure incurred (up to 31 st Dec, 2012) Balance8.737 ( Rs in Lakh) 1. NFSM-Rice :
Sl. No. ComponentsApproved by GOI Fund released by GOI Fund yet to be received 2NFSM- Pulse A3P (Kharif 10 units) (Rabi 10 units ) ( Rs in Lakh) Statement of Expenditure of NFSM Pulses & A3P during the year
Likely /anticipated Expenditure During SL. No. ProgrammeLikely expenditure during Balance of Released fund Yet to receive 1A3P Rabi (Lentil)-Rs lakh 2NFSM- PulsesRs 5.00 LakhRs lakh 3NFSM-RiceRs LakhRs Lakh Sl. No. ProgrammeAnticipated expenditure during Balance fundYet to receive 1A3P Rabi (Summer Blackgram) -Rs lakh 2a) NFSM- Pulses b) Additional Pulse Programme of NFSM Pulse Rs 5.00 Lakh - Rs lakh Rs Lakh 3NFSM-RiceRs LakhRs Lakh
Requirement of fund during SL. No. ProgrammeRequirement as per GOI approval Additional requirement Total Fund Requirement 1A3P Rabi (Summer Black gram) * Rs 48.00Rs NFSM- Pulses a) Additional Programme b) Pump set (Additional demand ) Rs Rs Rs Rs NFSM-Rice a) Pump sets (Additional demand ) Rs Rs Rs (Rs in Lakh) * Against allocation of Rs lakh for lentil no fund is received. It is proposed to utilize the fund against A3P during Rabi (Summer Black gram)
Interventions Unit Final Target approved by GOI Achievement PhyFinPhyFin Direct seeded Rice / Line Transplanting / SRI ha Cluster demonstration of Hybrid Rice ha Hybrid Rice Seed Distribution qtl HYV Seed Distributionqtl Micronutrientha Liming Acidic Soilsha PP chemicalha ConoweederNo Knap sack SprayersNo RotavatorsNo Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM –Rice during ( Rs in lakh )
Interventions Unit Final Target approved by GOI Achievement PhyFinPhyFin Incentive for Pump setsNo Cropping System based training (four sessions i.e one before Kharif one each during kharif and Rabi crops and one after rabi harvest) No District level Project Management Team(PMT) & other Miscellaneous Expense State level Project Management Team(PMT) & other Miscellaneous Expense Local initiatives 1. Pipe for carrying waterNos Seed binNos Water harvesting structureNos Total : Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM –Rice during
Interventions Unit Final Targets Approved by GOI Achieveme nt PhyFinPhyFin Distribution of Certified seeds. a.) For varieties less than 10 years.Qtl b) For varieties more than 10 years old. Qtl Demonstrations on improved Technologies: Cluster Demonstrations (of100 ha each) on inter-cropping/improved varieties/farm implements like Ridge Furrow makers /Seed drills. ha Fund not yet received. Integrated Nutrient Management. a) Micro-nutrients.ha b) Lime /Gypsum 80% WG Sulphur.ha (c)Rhizobium Culture / Phosphate Solubilising Bacteria ha Sub-Total INM : Physical & Financial Progress under NFSM Pulses
Interventions Unit Final Targets Approved by GOI Achievement PhyFinPhyFin Integrated Pest Management (IPM) (a) IPM Packageha Fund not yet received (b) Distribution of NPVha (c) Distribution of PP Chemicals ha (d) Weedicidesha Resource Conservation Technologies / Tools: a) Knap Sack SprayersNos Fund not yet received b) Zero Till Seed Drills.Nos g) RotavatorsNos Financial statement under NFSM – Pulses
Interventions Unit Final Targets Approved by GOI Achievement PhyFinPhyFin Efficient Water Application Tools : a) Distribution of Sprinkler setsha Fund not yet received b) Incentive for Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns No c) Incentive for Pump setsNo d) Pipe for carrying water from source to the field. No Cropping system based trainings No Fund not yet received Miscellaneous Expenses : (a) Project Management Team & Other Misc. Expenses at District Level. No. of Dist (b) Project Management Team & Other Misc. Expenses at State Level. No. of State Financial statement under NFSM – Pulses
Interventions Unit Final Targets Approved by GOI Achievement PhyFinPhyFin Local Initiatives (Water charges for two protective irrigations may be supported under local initiative to the farmers /groups given mobile sprinklers.) (1)Demonstration on Mobile Sprinkler Rainguns (2) Seed Bin (capacity 1 qtl) (3) Water Harvesting Structure No Fund not yet received Total Financial : Financial statement under NFSM – Pulses
Major focus given by the State on different inputs under NFSM 1.Distribution of certified seeds under NFSM & other programmes has resulted an increase in Seed Replacement Rate of Rice from 47% to 50 % during Additional area of 14,000 ha. has been brought under assured irrigation by providing of 7000 Pump sets during the year Micronutrients have been applied in an area of 29,632 ha. under Rice during qtl. of popular varieties of Hybrid Rice seeds distributed at subsidized rate to cover an area of 7670 hectares. 5.10,096 nos. of Knapsack Sprayers distributed at subsidized rate.
Component specific Physical & Financial Progress Report of A3P during Kharif ItemUnitPhysicalFinancial Tar.Ach.Tar.Ach. Seed minikit (4 kg kit)No LimeMT Micronutrient (Zinc sulphate) MT Rhizobium cultureMT PSB cultureMT Urea (for foliar spray)MT Fungicides for seed treatment (i) Thirum (ii) Carbendazim Kg kg Bio pesticides NSKE 5%Lit Weedicides Pendemethalene 30EC Lit E-Pest surveillanceNo1 no -- Need based pesticidesLit224 lit 2.80 Total42.05
YearName of CropsPhysical (no. of unit) Financial (Rs. in lakh) TargetAchivAllocExptd Blackgram (Kharif)* Lentil (Rabi)* Blackgram (Kharif)**10-Fund not received * One unit = 1000 ha. ** One unit = 100 ha. Status of implementation of pest surveillance in A3P unit ( & )
Addl. area proposed by the State Govt.of India approved Additional allocation State proposed additional allocation Componen t PhyFinComponentRate of Assista nce (Rs.) UnitPhyFin haINM 1250 per ha ha INM Package (i) Lime (ii) Micronutrient (iii) Assistance for Rhizobium Culture / Phosphate solubilising bacteria distribution 750/ ha 500/ha 100/ha ha IPM 750 per ha ha 75.00IPM Package (i) Pheromone Trap (ii) Bedo Lure (iii) NPV (H)( 250 ml) (v) Azadiractin (0.15%) (vi) T. Viride (500g) 15/- 28/- 313/- 165/ no pair ml. lit gm 70,000 1,40, lit 9000 lit 903 kg Distributio n of Water Carrying per farmer Distribution of Water Carrying pipes 1500/-no Total : Physical & financial progress of additional area coverage of Pulses during Rabi / Summer,
PLANNING OF SUMMMER RICE AND PULSES CROPS Creation of additional assured irrigation facility for additional area under Summer Rice and Summer Pulses. a. Area proposed :Summer Rice :50,800 hectare Summer Pulses :2,600 hectare Total :53,400 hectare b. Requirement of pump sets :Summer Rice :25,400 nos. Summer Pulses :1,300 nos. Total :26,700 nos.
ProgrammeNo. of district ConsultantTechnical Asstts. No. of posts Man in position No. of posts Man in position NFSM-Rice1313 nos8 nos52 nos28 nos NFSM – Pulses1010 nos6 nos20 nos13 nos Total :23 nos14 nos72 nos41 nos Appointment of Project Management Team (PMT) in districts
Crop (Base Year) Rice : Autumn Rice Winter Rice Summer Rice Total Rice Pulse : (Base Year) Trend of Productivity (Kg/ha) of Rice & Pulses in NFSM districts
Crop Productivity (Base year) Productivity % increase after 4 years of mission Productivity % increase after 5 years of mission Autumn Rice % % Winter Rice % % Summer Rice % % Total Rice % % Overall impact of NFSM on productivity (Kg/ha) NFSM-Rice NFSM-Pulse Productivity (Base year)Productivity% increase in 2 years of mission %
Subsidy rate for seeds both Rice and Pulses is required to be enhanced considering the present market price of seeds. All the districts of Assam may be covered under NFSM programme. Subsidy rate of Rotavator & Sprinkler Sets is to be enhanced up to 50% of the cost. Provision for machineries like Reaper, Harvester may be made under NFSM to overcome labour crisis and also to reduce the cost of production. Considering high cost of Hybrid seeds the cost norms of Hybrid Demonstrations may be enhanced. NFSM-Wheat programme is to be introduced in the state of Assam. Specific issues and suggestions
Thank you