Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body For Healthy Transitions September 14, 2015 Jill Stein, Northwestern Medicine Osher Center for Integrative Medicine
Improves mood Is an outlet for stress Increases self confidence and self esteem Increases focus Promotes better sleep Improves all aspects of health Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Benefits of exercise What else? 2 Long walk Climbing stairs Housework Gardening Lifting and carrying (ex. Grocery shopping) Everyday opportunities for exercise
Exercise that is intentional or “mindful” Exercise that keeps you mentally and physically engaged or present Exercise that increases self awareness and internal focus Exercise that emphasizes breath Exercise that emphasizes alignment Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Elements of mind/body exercise Mind/Body 3 Pilates Tai Chi Yoga Mindfulness can be used in any format or activity Common mindful exercise formats
Those dealing with stress Those dealing with anxiety and/or depression Those who want to improve their health (mental and physical) Those who want to be more mindful Everyone Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Who can benefit? Mind/Body 4 More effective breathing Increased physical awareness Increased mental awareness Having strategies to deal with stressful situation Increased fitness Increased flexibility Increased range of motion What are the benefits?
Breath – focus on how to continue to breath while engaging core muscles and adding movement Alignment – how to move properly and safely on a mat and during your day Mindful movements – range of motion that is comfortable for your body and supported by your core Focus – being able to move through the exercises without straining or holding your breath, continue to check in with yourself Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Common Formats: Pilates Mind/Body 5
Breath – focus on feeling the breath, patterns of breath, and pairing breath with movement Alignment – paying attention to how the body is positioned to maximize health and safety Mindful movements – find how the poses work well for your body using props or modifications as needed Focus – being able to move through the exercises without straining or holding the breath, continue to check in with yourself Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Common Formats: Yoga Mind/Body 6
Breath – focus on how to breathe in a healthy way, get in touch with what muscles we use to breathe Alignment – how do we stand and move well, maximize movements in a standing position Mindful movements – flowing movements referred to as “moving meditation” Focus – being able to move in a strong, healthy and balanced way; Continued self awareness Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Common Formats: Tai Chi Mind/Body 7
Breath – breathing freely with movement Alignment – option of using bare feet to be more aware of your body and to strengthen your feet Mindful movements – moving in a way that feels best to your body. Everyone will look somewhat different Focus – freeing your mind and body to move in a joyful way Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Other Formats: Nia Mind/Body 8
Breath – how do we tend to breathe versus how we can breathe more effectively Alignment – find the plumb line to maximize neck and back health Mindful movements – moving in a way that feels safe for our body; Working around areas of injury, pain or restriction Focus – Listening to your body, continue to check in with yourself Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Other Formats: Strength and Balance Mind/Body 9
Everyone can benefit from mind/body exercise Any exercise or activity can be done “mindfully” Allow yourself to be present and focus in Pay attention to how you feel physically and mentally Listen to your self Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body Points Mind/Body 10
Key Facts Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body – Mindful movements, Physical and Mental Health, Self Awareness
Questions? Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body
Resources Exercise Involves More Than Just Your Body - Group Classes at Northwestern Hospital - Fall Session. Not Too Late To Register. - Fall Classes Start Monday, September 28 th - To Register Call: ; classes.nmh.org/listing/all
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