Rewrite Team Report to the RMC RMC Annual Meeting January 2008
Title- IAQG 9104/1 RevisionOriginator- Michael C. RobertsDate- 5 April 2006 Initiative Summary- Revise existing IAQG 9104 document to accommodate changes as result of the release of IAQG 9104/2 (Oversight) and IAQG9104/3 (Training and Qualification). Initiative pre-requisites/constraints/dependencies- This activity will proceed upon release of IAQG 9104/2 and IAQG9104/3. (Published April 2007) Initiative deliverables- Published IAQG 9104/1 in the respective AS/EN/JISQ formats Applicable to- Aviation/Space/Defence Estimated Implementation Value HighEstimated Implementation difficulty- Hard Planned start date- July 2006 Actual Start date: April 2007 Estimated duration- 1 Year Realistic duration: 1.5 years Estimated resource needs- 3 Focals from Each Sector Initiative sponsored by- IAQG - OPMTSigned- (Sector Leader/IAQG member) Colin Clarke – AAQG Chairman Prime strategic focus subject addressed- Management of Certification/Registration System Strategy Group Initiative Reference Number- OPMT - 1 Degree of strategic alignment- Full OPMT Alignment Comments- Aligned to Implementation of QMS Responsibility of OPMT Signed- (Strategy Team Leader) Rick Downs – OPMT Chairman Initiative Phase 0 Summary
Justification of Project –The rewrite of 9104 is the last step in development of the “Trilogy” series of documents. –The Trilogy will complete the commitment the IAQG and the sectors made to the authorities for a command media package describing the entire process. –The project would be initiated after the publication of and Documents & were published in mid –The will further define ‘controversial’ or ‘confusing’ text in the existing document, and will add new chapters defining roles of OASIS, resolutions, feedback process, sector management, etc. Project Description
Re-write Team Members RoleNameRepresenting Initiative Team LeaderMike RobertsOPMT / Boeing Team Sponsor / MemberRick DownsOPMT / Cessna Team MemberTim LeeAmericas Sector / Boeing Team MemberVince MayAmericas Sector / Honeywell Team MemberMike GallagherAmericas Sector / Lockheed Team MemberPatrice BleauAmericas Sector / Bombardier Team MemberReg BlakeAmericas Sector / IAAR – CBs Team MemberLori Scheid-GillespieAmericas AB / ANAB Team MemberGualtiero ArsentoEuropean Sector / Alenia Team MemberHerbert MairoseEuropean Sector / Airbus Team MemberGerard PleigneurEuropean Sector / Safran Team MemberPamela WehlitzEuropean Sector / MTU Team MemberIan FollandEuropean AB / UKAS Team MemberHans LuijtEuropean AB / ASD Team MemberTamaki NishioAsian Sector / IHI Team MemberShuji KomoriAsian Sector / Subaru-FHI
Team Member Attendance Attended Sent Regrets
Existing Topics (For Revision Into ) Multi-site requirements interpretation –Multi-site definition (& expectations) –Sampling –Surveillance requirements –Multi-site frequency Define OASIS authority, responsibility, accountability –Improvement process Use and acceptability of Resolutions, process for –OPMT level and sector level Exact wording for existing resolutions (approx 20+)
New Topics (For Inclusion Into ) OPMT Charter – Rules of operation (OPMT 101, etc.) Client/Supplier Responsibilities IAQG Member Responsibilities Use of process flows to improve the structure Suspensions and withdrawals of CBs, ABs, etc. Incorporate ISO17011, ISO17021, ISO17024, ISO19011, & IAF Documents Process for funding and expenditures of ICOP activities Cross sector activities (auditing, recognition, training, oversight etc.) Feedback Process
Programme Schedule NoActivity Year 2007 | 2008 AMJJASOSO NDND JFJF MAMA MJMJ JAJA SOSO 1.Call to Sectors for Suggestions and Inputs 2.Remove IAQG 9104/2 References 3.Remove IAQG 9104/3 References 4.Revise Format and Structure – Remaining Text 5.Add Suggestions and Inputs 6.Complete First Draft 7.Obtain Sector Comments – Update Draft 8.Ballot Document 9.Final Comments and Publish 10. Late Key- CompletedRescheduled
Table of Contents / Book Bosses Standard Mike R ForewordMike R 1.ScopeRick D, Tim L, Vince M, Gualtiero A 2.ReferencesTim L, Ian F, Hans L 3.Definitionstbd – wait until last Patrice B 4.Generaltbd – wait until last Patrice B 5.Requirements for Accreditation BodiesIan F, Lori S-G, Gualtiero A*, Mike G 6.Requirements for Certification BodiesTim L, Reg B, Ian F, Hans L 7.Auditors (reference to )Gualtiero A w/ sector lead review 8.Requirements for Assessment and ReportingRick D, Tim L, Tamaki N, Herbert M, Ian F, Reg B referenceHans L - MultisiteRick D, Vince M, Ian F, Reg B 9.Oversight (reference to )Tamaki N, Tim L 10.OASIS DatabaseHans L, Jay M, Mike R 11.OPMTRick D, First name listed is Book Boss for that section.
Table of Contents / Book Bosses 12.Feedback ProcessHans L 13.Sector Management StructureTim L, Tamaki N, Herbert M 14.Cross FrontierIan F, Reg B, Tim L, Tamaki N, Herbert M 15.RecordsTim L 16.Fees and FinancialsMike R 17.Responsibilities – (Note: 11. OPMT, tbd 13. SMS, and 14. Cross Frontier may be grouped into this chapter. Will include OASIS responsibilities) 12.Notestbd Appendix A – Information for OASIS DatabaseHans L, Reg B Appendix B – Change Procedure for OASISHans L Appendix C – Process FlowsReg B First name listed is Book Boss for that section.
Re-write Team Status
Next Steps (30 – 90 Days) Next Steps Complete Outline / Table of Contents (Completed 12/19/07) –Assign Book Boss / Section Leads (Completed 12/19/07) Last call of new/revised topics (Completed 1/15/2008) Resolve wording of resolutions (OPMT action) Resolve wording of multisite (OPMT action and SMS actions) Establish conference calls between sectors & team members to discuss any unresolved issues. (At discretion of chapter Book Boss) Scheduled Milestones All Drafts – complete and due March 26, 2008 (Sent to Mike R for coordination into review document for Naples face-to-face meeting) Face to Face Meeting – at IAQG meeting in Naples (Team to review draft – discuss issues – assign actions – plan next activities)
Next Meetings Next Meeting –Tuesday, Feb 26 – Telecon Future Meetings –Tuesday, Mar 25 – Telecon –Tuesday, Apr 8 – Face-face Naples, Italy 8:00am-12noon Same room as OPMT