Rancho Christian Renweb grade book set up Fig. 1 Ranchochristian.org Rancho Christian Renweb grade book set up Getting started series course 2
Step 1 to set up your Renweb Gradebook Hello from Lauralyn Click Below: Step 1 to set up your Renweb Gradebook
How to set up your Grade book Welcome. Click below for your first step in setting up your grade book. Renweb Gradebook step 2
Once you have set up your classes continue onto next slide. Class Set up Step 3. Here you will set up your classes. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on how to set up your classes. Renweb setup Step 3 Once you have set up your classes continue onto next slide.
Renweb Gradebook setup 4 Categories Step 4. Setting up Categories. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on how to set up your categories. Renweb Gradebook setup 4 After viewing video click on “Add Category.” Add title, description and weight. Repeat this process for as many categories that you might have. Remember they need to add up to 100%. Then press save and exit and go to next slide.
Renweb Gradbook setup 5 Assignments Step 4. Setting up Assignments. Click on the link below and follow the instructions on how to set up your assignments. Renweb Gradbook setup 5 After viewing video, click on “Add” assignments. Then enter in Category, Title Abbreviation, description, date assigned, date due, maximum points. Publish to lesson plan. Repeat this process as many times as you need. Press Save and Exit. Then click to next slide.
Renweb Gradebook setup 6 Next Step: Repeat Category and assignment set ups till your grade book is setup. Once done click on video below. Renweb Gradebook setup 6 After setting up your gradebook and viewing this video, email your master teacher and principal for your next step.