Supported by the Mekong Institute New Zealand Ambassador Scholarship Program Presented by CHHOM Vichar People’s Participation in Community Based Natural Resources Management in Prek Thnout Community Protected Area, Kampot Province, Cambodia
Acronyms used NR:Natural Resource CBNRM:Community Based Natural Resources Management CPA:Community Protected Area SNRM:Sustainable Natural Resources Management Gov.:Government
Content 1. Rationales of the study 2. Research questions 3. Objectives 4. Scope of the study 5. Theories and literature review 6. Conceptual framework
1. Rationales of the study Deforestation, NR degradation & resource use conflicts were the concerns of Cambodia’s government. In 2003, Prek Tnout CPA was established. Participation of the local has been promoted in many aspects ( decision making, conservation & training…). Since then there is no updated information about people’s participation in Prek Tnout CPA as well as other CBNRM. There is a need to find out if this experience can be replicated for gov., NGOs & other communities, thus deserve an in-depth research.
2. Research questions How do people participate in CBNRM? What is level of participation? What are factors influencing the participation of local people? What are the strengths and weakness of people’s participation in CBNRM? How would participatory of people in the CBNRM could be strengthened in future to improve the effectiveness of the CBNRM?
3. General and specific objectives General objective: Identify the aspect of participation and its contribution of the local community to NRM specific objectives: Identify the current situation of the level of people’s participation in the CBNRM; Assess the influent factors of people’s participation in the CBNRM; Analyse the strengths and weakness of people’s participation in term of conservation and sustainable use of NR; Provide recommendations to strengthen participatory of people in the CBNRM for the future development.
4. Scope of the study Focus on Prek Tnout CPAs’ member who get direct and indirect benefits People’s participation on: Decision- making, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, protection, conservation, information sharing. Factor influencing on participation of people: economic, institutional, social, environmental. Focus on problems, constraints and potential of people’s participation.
The literatures included will be: People’s participation People’s participation in NRM Problems, constraints and potentials of people’s participation Factors influencing success and failure of people’s participation NRM CBNRM SNRM Poverty reduction Community institutionalization Social, economic, environmental & institutional aspects 5. Theories and literature review
6. Conceptual Framework Level of people’s participation in CBNRM -Passive/no participation -Participation by information giving -Participation by consultation -Functional Participation -Interactive Participation -Self-mobilization Influent factors -Job availability (economic improvement) -Networking (social networking) -Supporting (institutional) -Biodiversity (sustainable) -Governance (transparency, accountability, policy effectiveness, responsive) People’s participation in CBNRM in Prek Tnout CPA Strengths and weakness of People’s participation in CBNRM -Strength (ownership, conflict resolution, self-management) -Weakness (conflicts, benefit sharing, lack of transparency, lack of participation, lack of knowledge Natural resource conservation -Ecosystem services conserved (forest, flora and fauna, wildlife) - Sustainability - Habitats, -Integrated of ecosystem Community Institutionalization -Community rule/ regulation, law -Capacity building (training) -Cohesion of people -Community structure Social aspect -Empowerment -Equity - Accountability - Participation -social network -Information network - Co-operation - Relationship Poverty reduction -Economic (sustainable job availability, generate income) -Skills and Capacity (development of skills) -Livelihood security and diversity (Financial assets) Contributions to Livelihood
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