Oswego School District 308 Ethics and Internet Safety Review Plank Jr. High – AA&M Mr. Brown
What are Ethics? Rules of behavior 1 that you should follow when using computers, social media, , and the Internet. For example: –U.S. and International Copyright Laws –Oswego School District - Computer Network Guidelines 2 (page 15 in your Student Planner) – – Terms of Use and Privacy Policywww.google.com – – Terms of Use and Privacy Policywww.facebook.com Watch CC video “Protecting Reputations Online”CC video
District 308 Computer Network Guidelines
Common Situations: 1. Using Computers/Internet at School 3 or at Work 2. Using Computers/Internet at Home 4 through an ISP (Internet Service Provider 5 ) 3. Using Computers/Internet at Public Locations 6 (e.g., Library, Starbucks, etc.) 4. Downloading/Using copyright protected 7 Artistic Material 5. Downloading/Using copyright protected Computer Software 8 6. Using Internet Content on School Assignment 9
#1 Using Computers/Internet at School or at Work Don’t give out your ID/Password 10 to anyone Create a strong password 11 (watch CC video)CC video Computer Network Guidelines (Student Planner p. 15) Internet Content Filter 12 : –Blocks certain web sites (for example, pandora.com, etc.) –Blocks obscene language –Tracks all Internet usage by Student ID and Computer # –Can monitor 13 a specific students use –Will slow down the speed of the Internet –DO NOT Attempt to get around it via Proxy Servers 14 Don’t send personal messages with your school account, use your personal account
#2 Using Computers/Internet at Home thru an ISP Internet Use Agreement – should have with your parents / guardian ISP Safety Options - Available through most ISPs (Comcast, etc.) Use Windows Password Protection 15 Use Operating System Protections like the Windows Firewall 16 –Make sure it’s turned “On”. Check it regularly! –Make sure “Automatic Updates” are turned On Use Anti-virus 17 and Spyware 18 Protection - Prevent hackers from taking over or ruining your computer (watch Common Craft video)Common Craft video –Don’t use the cheap or free stuff… –Make sure “Automatic Updates” are turned On Use an External Hard Drive to back-up your computer files 19 Use Internet Explorer – Privacy and Security Settings. Avoid s from unknown Addresses known as “SPAM 20 ” –They may contain viruses or spyware –Don’t open them 21, put them in the Junk or SPAM folder of your service provider to prevent getting any more of them! Beware of Phishing 22 scams (watch Common Craft video) TURN YOUR COMPUTER OFF 23 WHEN NOT USING IT!!! Wireless Network Protections - If you have a home wireless network, make sure it’s password protected 24. Don’t use a neighbors unsecure network. That’s against the law!
What is an Phishing scam?
Wireless Security
#2 Using Computers/Internet at Home thru an ISP (cont.) Use Privacy Setting 25 on Social Networking Websites – Facebook, Twitter, and Xbox Live –Make sure it’s turned “On”. Check it regularly! Don’t Give Out PII Online (Personal Identifiable Information 26 ) –Name, date of birth, social security #, parent’s name, parent’s credit card #, –phone #, address, school name, picture –You risking “Identity Theft” Don’t Give Out Other People’s PII Screen Names 27 or Login ID’s – pick ones that don’t disclose too much of your PII (for example; guitarman3025, lovetosing1818, etc.) Beware of Peer-to-Peer 28 (P2P), File Sharing, or Rogue Websites (like )you’re being tracked for copyright abuses and can get computer viruses or spyware from themwww.limewire.com Use Proper Netiquette 29 – Don’t response or send , IM, or BLOG messages when you’re angry. It’s permanent and can’t be taken back. Tell a Trusted Adult (Parent/Guardian/Teacher/Police Officer) – If you or someone you know encounters something inappropriate You’re NOT Anonymous 30 – Your IP Address can be tracked NEVER MEET A STRANGER YOU MET ONLINE FACE-TO-FACE!!! THEY’RE PROBABLY NOT WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE…
Public Service Announcement
#3 Using Computers/Internet at other Public Locations For example, Public Library, Starbucks, Airport, etc. Acceptable Use Policy 31 (Public Library) Your Internet Use is still being tracked several ways Don’t leave your computer unattended 32 ! Use Windows Password Protection Beware of doing any banking or shopping through them
#4 Downloading/Using copyright protected Artistic Material Can you name examples of the types of artistic material that can be downloaded? –Music –Motion Pictures and TV Shows –Pictures or Graphics –Video games –Books, Poems, Web Sites, and BLOGs –Screen Plays Do you know how long artistic material is protected by U.S. copyright laws? –Artists life plus 70 years 33
#4 Downloading/Using copyright protected Artistic Material (cont.) Private ownership (protected by copyright law): If you want to use it in a commercial way, you must ask the owner for permission and may have to pay a royalty fee 34. Public domain 35 (not protected by copyright law, free for use): Artistic work that no person or legal entity has ownership. It is considered part of the common cultural heritage, anyone may use for commercial or non-commercial purposes without paying a royalty fee. Fair Use 36 (Allows some copying and use for Education): The Copyright Act of 1976 permits some duplication of protected material without permission or payment of a royalty fee. The factors include: 1.Use is for educational purposes; 2.Amount being used depends on the medium (i.e., printed material and graphics/pictures are different then music and videos) 3.Impact on market value of the copyrighted work 4.MUST CITE YOUR SOURCE VIA WORKS CITED (See School District 308 – Writing Style Guide)
#5 Downloading/Using copyright protected Computer Software 37 Private ownership: Software that is owned by someone or company (protected by copyright law) –Individually licensed: Purchased by one person for use on one or and only one computer (sometimes more than 1) –Site 38 licensed: Purchased by an organization for use on an limited or unlimited number of computers within the entire organization. Public domain: Software legal to copy and distribute –Freeware 39 : programs that are legal and ethical to download, made to be used for free (e.g., Facebook and Gaggle) –Free Trial Evaluation Copies: Usually end after 30 days 40
#6 Using Internet Content on School Assignments For example, web site facts, pictures, music, videos, etc. Falls under the “Fair Use” rules, so it’s OK to do You MUST cite your sources even if it’s part of the Public Domain (see School District 308 – Writing Style Guide) Plagiarism: The adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, or statements of another person without a work cited: –Plagiarizing or copying material without citing your sources is unethical –At Plank Jr. High, it will result in a zero on assignments –In high school, you will get suspended from school and a zero on the assignment –In college, you will get expelled from school and it will ruin your academic reputation Not all information obtained on the Internet can be trusted State Farm - French Model commercial
Ethics and Internet Safety Final Assessment – Activity Activity rules: 1.Must use a PENCIL only. Ink is not O.K. 2.1 st read and complete the Computer Ethics situations on your own (5 minutes). DO NOT COMPLETE #13 3.Then we’ll get into small groups. Mr. Brown will group you. 4.While in your group (5 to 10 minutes) –Take turns having someone read aloud each situation. –Discuss in your group whether it is appropriate or inappropriate. –If while in your group, you change your mind, you can change your answer on your assessment. –When finished, select a group spokesperson. This person can optionally complete #13. All other group members must complete #13 following the whole classroom discussion. 5.We’ll conclude with a whole class discussion. Each group will take turns leading the discussion. The group spokesperson will read aloud the situation and their group response.