Vocabulary Flashcards Chapter 7 - Nutrition & Your Fitness Go to first word…
carbohydrate Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term Carbohydrate… The nutrient that includes sugars and starches. It is the major source of energy.
Fatty Acids Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term Saturated Unsaturated Trans fatty acids the basic building blocks of fats. Examples of fatty acids are: Fatty acids are:
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term Nutritional recommendations which set limits to reduce the risk of adverse health effects. Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) …
Proteins Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term Proteins are… The basic building block of the body - used to repair, replace and build body cells.
Water-soluble vitamin Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term A vitamin which dissolves in water; B vitamins and C vitamins are examples. Water-soluble vitamin is…
Trans fatty acids Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term Unsaturated fatty acids that can raise the LDL and total cholesterol. They result from adding hydrogen to vegetable oils. Trans fatty acids…
HDL Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term High density lipoprotein is a type of cholesterol that is considered to be “good” because it picks up the extra cholesterol and eliminates it from the body. HDL…
Fiber Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term The structural part of plants which is neither digested nor absorbed by the body. It serves as an intestinal “house cleaner”. Fiber…
Omega 3 Fatty Acid Click to check your answer…
Next Vocabulary Term A polyunsaturated fatty acid that may help to improve your triglyceride level and lower blood pressure. Sources are salmon, mackerel, tuna, sardines, soybeans, walnuts, and canola oil. Omega 3 Fatty Acid…
LDL Click to check your answer…
Low Density Lipoprotein is a type of cholesterol which contributes to the clogging of the arteries - the “bad” cholesterol. LDL… Next Vocabulary Term
Saturated fat Click to check your answer…
Go to next word… Fatty acids that are usually solid at room temperature. They raise blood cholesterol. Sources are mainly foods from animal sources. Saturated fat…
RDA Click to check your answer…
Go to first word… RDA is the Recommended Dietary Allowance for the amount of a nutrient that is necessary to meet the nutritional needs of almost every healthy person in a specific age and gender group. RDA… Go to Chapter Menu