Bank of Pure Isotopes Ezio Previtali INFN Sez. Milano Department of Physics University of Milano Bicocca
Project activity in the first 18 months - Report on new isotopes possibly produced in Russia -Report on purification issues - Report on possibilities of Russian labs - Report on a recommended program - First conclusions on isotope selection and purification deliverables - Negotiations for production of the selected isotopes - Contact with Russian and US labs for purification techniques - Definition of a program for utilization of available isotopes - Selection of new interesting isotopes and discussion of enrichment and purification techniques - Formation of the isotope working group - Contacts with Russian labs milestones 18 months12 months6 months
Formation of isotope working group Collaboration with “Isotope Enrichment” working group in IDEA can be crucial Ettore Fiorini University of Milano Bicocca and INFN Sez. Milano Pietro BenettiUniversity of Pavia and INFN Sez. Pavia Carlo BucciGran Sasso Laboratory of INFN …………….. Milestones of the First six months Contact with Russian labs: Discussion and eventually visit at Kurchatov Institute (Moscow) Contact with Russian scientific foundation for other possible sources Possible labs involved in purification Contact with other labs: Evaluation of possible enrichments in USA and Europe Laboratory with experience in cleaning techniques
Utilization of available isotopes: Preliminary collection of data with information on: Isotope types and chemical forms Radioactive purity and eventually radioactive measurements Actual usage of Isotopes Availability for new experiments during next few years Definition of a strategy for allocate Isotopes Problems: Different experiments may need different chemical composition Time schedule for distributing available isotopes
Selection of new and interesting Isotopes Production resources: Available techniques for producing Enriched Isotopes Time needed for production of a definite quantity of material Cost of the enrichment Radioactive purity at the end of the enrichment (quality test) Purification after the enrichment: Analysis of purification techniques Procedures for obtaining the final chemical compound Physical and Chemical analysis on final production
Definition of a specific enrichment program Example of an enrichment of 130 Te for CUORE Selection of the starting Te metal based on radio purity Transformation in TeF 6 and enrichment in a ultracentrifuge Transformation in a metallic form or in a TeO 2 Tests of radioactive and chemical quality TeO 2 crystals growing In our previous experience: Radioactive quality of oxidation production: Good Chemical characteristics of TeO 2 :Bad (not well oxidize with presence of TeO, contaminated with Si) Final quality of TeO 2 crystals:Poor We need to check all the procedures and not only the enrichment
Expense Plan for the next 12 months For travels in Europe5 k€ For travels in Russia5 k€ For travels in USA5 k€ This evaluation strongly depend on the real activated collaborations