Placeholder Learning Across the Curriculum April 24, 2010 A Collaboration between reDESIGN and the Office of Multiple Pathways to Graduation “I believe we need to create a pedagogy of joy and justice. When Michael writes a stunning essay about language policy in Native American boarding schools, there is joy because he finally nails this form of academic writing, but there is also justice in talking back to years of essays filled with red marks and scarred with low grades. There is joy because he's learned a craft that he felt beyond his reach; there's justice because Michael and his classmates learned to question policies that award or deny status based on race and class.” --Linda Christensen excerpt from Teaching for Joy and Justice
Exhibits of Best Practice Visit each of the Exhibits set up around the room. Share feedback and noticings
Investigation I often wish... that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease. --Bliss Carmen
Collaborative Problem-Solving Literacy Circles Creating Civilizations Diabetes Role Play
Investigation: A simulation At each table there is an collaborative content-area investigation to complete. Work with your table on the investigation. Ask 2 people in the group to be note-takers: 1 writes up the group’s work 1 notes the group’s strategies: the group’s planning, monitoring, and synthesizing
5 min. Writing 15 min. Table Share ๏ What would your unit/lesson launch need to look like to make this a successful investigation? What needs to be scaffolded? ๏ What did this experience do for you as a learner? ๏ What would your role as a teacher be during this activity? ๏ What did you notice about the learning strategies/habits of mind/Bloom’s in this activity? What levels were you being asked to operate at? Reflection
Reflecting on the Group’s Process Strategy Note-Takers Share-out What did the group do to investigate investigation? Why did they do it this way? What other way(s) could they have done it? How did it work as a process?
The Qualities of a Good Investigation “The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.“The beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand.” --Frank Herbert
Investigation I often wish... that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease. --Bliss Carmen
Group of 5 Lew Group of 5 Math Group of 5
An LAC Investigation 1.As a group, generate 5 or 6 genuine questions you have about the creation of effective investigations (write on chart paper). 2.Use a video + several texts to explore your group’s questions on Investigation. (see next slide) 3.Designate a strategy note-taker who notes the group’s strategies for investigation: the group’s approach to planning, monitoring, and synthesizing
Investigating Investigation As you watch the video look for ideas that help you think about your group’s questions. A possible template... ?? 1?? 2?? 3?? 4?? 5
Gallery Walk on Investigation Walk around the room to view the questions and responses. Put a large check-mark by those that resonate with you. Tracy will share out some of the responses that have the most votes. Share any “ah-ha” moments. Strategy note-takers share any observations about the group’s process (next slide).
Reflecting on the Group’s Process Strategy Note-Takers Share-out What did the group do to investigate investigation? Why did they do it this way? What other way(s) could they have done it? How did it work as a process?
Planning Investigations I often wish... that I could rid the world of the tyranny of facts. What are facts but compromises? A fact merely marks the point where we have agreed to let investigation cease. --Bliss Carmen
Transforming understanding into performance…One Approach: Create something tapping into higher-level thinking Apply content knowledge to real world situations Take on a role with a specific audience Demonstrate content knowledge through writing Build communication skills Planning an Investigation
A Planning Tool: Clearly describe a task Provide a role and audience for the task Establish criteria for completing the task Include evidence of understandings identified in stage 1 ( desired results) Create a student friendly checklist Planning an Investigation
Create a Rubric: Planning an Investigation RememberUnderstand/ApplyAnalyzeEvaluateSynthesize/Create
Sharing the Investigations we have created. Noticings/Learnings Sharing the Investigations we have created. Noticings/Learnings
Synthesizing: Connecting Elephants At a table with your school: Connected to... Big Ideas Used? Share Out
Placeholder Next Conference: May 15th: 9:30a-3p Bring Examples of Integration of: metacognition metacognition investigation investigation synthesis synthesis