Urban Open Space Design in Boston and Taipei Jesse Regnier & Pei-Yu Chen
Overview What is Open Space? Benefits of Open Space A Brief History of Open Space Case Study - Taipei, Taiwan Case Study - Boston, USA Warp up
What is Open Space? According to the US EPA Open space is any open piece of land that is undeveloped (has no buildings or other built structures) and is accessible to the public. Typology of Urban Open Space Public parks, Squares and plaza, Memorials, Markets, Streets, Playgrounds, Community open space, Greenways and linear parkways, Urban wilderness, Atrium/Indoor marketplaces , Found/Neighborhood spaces, Waterfronts.
Benefits of Open Space Social Benefits Environmental Benefits Economic Benefits Public Health Open space serves as a boundary between incompatible uses and breaks from continuous development. Social benefits: recreation, historical preservation, reduce youth crime through parks’ programs Environmental benefits: preserve habitats, stormwater management, reduce greenhouse gas emission Economic benefits: enhance real estate values, bring business/tourism/revenue Public Health: reduce mental and physical illnesses *Open space serves as a boundary between incompatible uses and breaks from continuous development.
A Brief History of Open Space Agora: in ancient Greek cities, an open space that served as a meeting ground for various activities of the citizens since the 5th century BC. Space for daily religious, political, judicial, social, and commercial activity. Located either in the middle of the city or near the harbor, which was surrounded by public buildings and by temples.
Jump to Medieval Cities Plazas similar to the agora Located in the middle of the city almost always accompanied by a church
Taipei City, Taiwan
Where is Taiwan?
East Asia
Background of Taipei City Located in East Asia Capital of Taiwan Area: 104.9 sq miles (Boston: 83.63 sq miles) Population: >3,000,000 (Boston: 636,479) City Taipei City Boston New York Density (square miles) 25,000 12,200 27,550
History of Parks Development in Taipei I. 1683~1895: Qing Dynasty No parks but private gardens
History of Parks Development in Taipei II History of Parks Development in Taipei II. 1895~1945: Japanese Colonial Period 1896: First park in Taipei, Taiwan- Yuanshan Park 1913: Beitou Park (Convergent Plate Boundary)
History of Parks Development in Taipei III. 1945~Current: Taiwan(R.O.C) Removed Japanese building/temples/status in parks 1980: Started to build parks with professional planning and design techniques. 2009: “Taipei City is pretty” project
Types of Parks in Taipei City I. Nature Park Preserve nature resources. II. Multifunctional Park Gym, outdoor courts, swimming pool.
Types of Parks in Taipei City III. Community Park (<2.5 acres) Imbuing a sense of community. IV. Riverside Park (Flooding prevention) Courts, roller-skating pool, bike paths.
The Goal of Creating More Open Spaces Improve air quality Provide playground/green space
The Goal of Creating More Open Spaces Mitigate Heat Island Effect Geographical feature: Basin Taipei City has urbanized rapidly since 1967, and urban warming appeared from 1985.
Achievement of Open Space in Taipei City Open space 7.7 sq miles 55 sq foot/ per citizen Riverside Parks Blighted land Gardens Arterials/sidewalks /medians Parks Distribution Map
Achievement of Open Space in Taipei City Blighted land Gardens Arterials/sidewalks
Design challenges? Limited land for creating more open space. Accessibility issue (Complete Streets/Public Transportation) Weather issue (pavilion)
Daan Forest Park --- The “Lungs of Taipei City” Area: 65 acres Created in 1994
Metro Rapid Transit(MRT) System Before After
Boston, Massachusetts
History of Parks Development 1634: Boston Common Oldest public open space in the nation 1838: The Public Garden Boston had far less designated parkland than other comparable cities by the latter part of the 19th century
View of the water celebration on October 25, 1848
The FLO Era 1875: Creation of the Boston Parks Commission 1878: Boston Hires FLO Sr. Develops comprehensive parks system 1856-1891: Emerald Necklace Boston Common Commonwealth Avenue Mall Back Bay Fens (filled brackish swamp) The Riverway Olmsted Park Jamaica Pond Arnold Arboretum Franklin Park 1892: Creation of the Metropolitan Parks Commission
The Emerald Necklace
41 playgrounds constructed in 22 wards 1950: The majority of the open spaces are in place 1982-1987: Parks deterioration Parks budget slashed in half 1987-present: Reinvestment Boston now has over 7,000 acres of public and private parkland Monuments, fountains, statues, footbridges, flower gardens, trees, athletic fields, squares, playgrounds, golf courses, and malls Emerald Necklace of larger parks
Open Space Types Malls, Squares, Plazas Parkways, Reservations, and Beaches Parks, Playgrounds, and Athletic Fields Cemeteries Community Gardens Urban Wilds and Natural Areas Protected Open Space
How to Protect Open Spaces Open Space Plans-5 year action plans Article 97-An amendment to the Massachusetts Constitution passed in 1972 Open Space Zoning Historical designation Environmental regulations Conservation restrictions Conservation land trusts The “100-foot rule”
Wrap Up Open Spaces have been important to humans all over the world for thousands of years Open Spaces serve a variety of functions Creation, funding, and maintenance are all have there challenges Must find creative solutions to these challenges
References Photograph of Boston, Massachusetts http://www.braco.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Boston_Ma.jpg United States Environmental Protection Agency http://www.epa.gov/region1/eco/uep/openspace.html Boston Parks and Recreation Department, Open Space Plan for Boston 2008-2014 http://www.cityofboston.gov/parks/pdfs/OSP2010/OSP0814_5_OpenSpaceInventory.pdf Urban Geography, Stanley Et Al. pp. 1089-1117. “Urban Open Spaces in Historical Perspective: A Transdisciplinary Typology and Analysis” Bellwether Publishing, Ltd. 2012. http://www.public.asu.edu/~mesmith9/1-CompleteSet/StanleyEtAl-OpenSpaces.pdf Encyclopedia Britannica http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/9404/agora The Boston Common and Public Garden Map http://citybuilderbookclub.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2-Boston-Common.png The Emerald Necklace Map http://allisalleyway.blogspot.com/2012/06/emerald-neclace.html The Emerald Necklace Map http://images.huffingtonpost.com/2012-01-30-BlogScan1copy.jpg City of Boston Parks and Recreation Department http://www.cityofboston.gov/parks/emerald/ National Association for Olmsted Parks http://www.olmsted.org/the-olmsted-legacy/frederick-law-olmsted-sr
References Urban Warming and Urban Heat Islands in Taipei, Taiwan http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-4-431-53904-9_12 Gardens https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=WmG_bEBQrjsKZM&tbnid=HtLxauqV36LbjM:&ved=0CAQQjB0&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.absolutechinatours.com%2Fchina-travel%2Fjiangnan-classical-gardens.html&ei=WTeQUs6RCI27kQe6pYHgDQ&bvm=bv.56988011,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNEpzXkQ7R3CPX5rC8wek12vw_R3hg&ust=1385269421704863 https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&docid=TVGpO1mJaDvU2M&tbnid=GFyAx8A1kt3LcM:&ved=0CAUQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.acftu.org.cn%2Ftemplate%2F10002%2Fpage.jsp%3Fcur_page%3D7%26aid%3D386%26cid%3D61&ei=yzeQUoaSH9SMkAfq04HgCw&bvm=bv.56988011,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNEpzXkQ7R3CPX5rC8wek12vw_R3hg&ust=1385269421704863 Vehicles http://wodumedia.com/population-7-billion/motorists-crowd-at-a-junction-during-rush-hour-in-taipei-on-october-29-2009-there-are-more-than-8-8-million-motorcycles-and-4-8-million-cars-on-taiwans-roads-and-nearly-all-motor-vehicles-and-inh/
References Taipei City Government - Parks and Street Lights Office http://pkl.taipei.gov.tw/np.asp?ctNode=46311&mp=106011 Taipei City Government – Department of Urban Development http://www.udd.taipei.gov.tw/