Urban Land Use Environmental Science
Urbanization The movement of people from rural areas to cities. People usually move for more plentiful and better paying jobs. Metropolitan areas – areas where towns have grown together to form large urban areas. Denver-Boulder Boston-Worcester-Lawrence Washington, D.C.-Baltimore
Urbanization Urban areas that have grown slowly are generally pleasant areas to live in. Roads and public transportation have been built to handle the growth. Buildings, roads, and parking lots are mixed in with green spaces and recreational areas.
The Urban Crisis A rapidly growing population can overwhelm the infrastructure and lead to traffic jams, substandard housing, and polluted air and water. Widespread issue around the world. Infrastructure – all of the things society builds for public use. Roads Sewers Railroads Bridges Canals Fire and police stations Schools Libraries Hospitals Water mains Power lines
Urban Sprawl Rapid expansion of a city into the countryside. Results from building suburbs or housing (and commercial buildings) on the boundary of a larger town. In 2000, more Americans lived in suburbs than in cities and the countryside combined.
Development on Marginal Lands Marginal land – land that is poorly suited for building. Houses in LA and Mexico City are built into the hillsides. Prone to landslides. Can be difficult to repair and expensive to insure.
Other Impacts of Urbanization Cities generate and trap more heat. Creates a heat island. Increased temperature in a city. Can affect local weather patterns. Increased rainfall.
Urban Planning Land-use planning Determining in advance how land will be used. Where houses, businesses, and factories will be built. Land for recreation. Etc.
Technological Tools Geographic information system (GIS) Computerized system for storing, manipulating, and viewing geographic data. User can enter different types of data about an area (sewer lines, roads, parks) and then create a map. Can be placed over one another.
Technological Tools
Transportation Most cities in the U.S. are difficult to travel in without a car. Cities span a very large area. Mass transit systems (trains and buses) move many people at once. Save energy, reduce highway congestion, reduce air pollution, and limit the loss of land to roadways and parking lots.
Open Space Land within urban areas that is set aside for scenic and recreational enjoyment. Parks Public gardens Bicycle and hiking trails Numerous benefits: Plants absorb carbon dioxide, produce oxygen, and filter out pollutants Plants help keep temperatures cooler Plants reduce runoff Places for exercise and relaxation