United States Capitals Quiz By: Hannah Harris
United States Capital Quiz Introduction: – This PowerPoint will be used as a quiz to help students review for their state capitals test. Subject – 3 rd grade social studies Topic – Knowing and the ability to locate the state capitals of the United States of America Objectives – After this review session the students should be able to comfortably identify where all the states are and what each state’s capital is. Procedures – The students will have a blank map that they can fill in for review. The teacher will call on pairs of students to answer what the state is and what the capital of that state is. If the pair of students know the answer to both questions then they will get 2 points. If they only know the first or second question’s answer then they will get 1 point. The top 3 teams at the end of the game will get a bonus point on the test. Evaluation – The teacher will keep track of which teams get the questions correct. Materials – This PowerPoint, the blank US maps, the word bank of state capitals.
The Western United States Hawaii Alaska Washington Oregon California Idaho Nevada Utah Colorado Arizona New Mexico Wyoming Montana
Hawaii Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Denver – B) HonoluluHonolulu – C) Albany
Alaska Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Annapolis – B) JuneauJuneau – C) Baton Rogue
Washington Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Austin – B) OlympiaOlympia – C) Salt Lake City
Oregon Where is it? Its capital is? – A) SalemSalem – B) Cheyenne – C) Sacramento
California Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Carson City – B) Charleston – C) SacramentoSacramento
Idaho Where is it? Its capital is? – A) BoiseBoise – B) Hartford – C) Boston
Nevada Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Phoenix – B) Carson CityCarson City – C) Santa Fe
Carson City
Utah Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Tallahassee – B) Salt Lake CitySalt Lake City – C) Sacramento
Salt Lake City
Colorado Where is it? Its capital is? – A) DenverDenver – B) Phoenix – C) Salt Lake City
Arizona Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Annapolis – B) Madison – C) PhoenixPhoenix
New Mexico Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Santa FeSanta Fe – B) Dover – C) Nashville
Santa Fe
Montana Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Helena Helena – B) Phoenix – C) Hartford
Wyoming Where is it? Its capital is? – A) Columbus – B) CheyenneCheyenne – C) Santa Fe