The Spread of Greek Culture Notes 8-4
Alexandria During Hellenistic Era, cultural center –Philosophers –Scientists –Poets –Writers More than 500,000 scrolls in library
Support New cities being founded Kings paid good salaries for architecture, statues, etc. Kings paid writers (most literature is lost now) Athens was the center of Greek theater
Appolonius of Rhodes Wrote epic poems Wrote Argonautica, about Jason and other heroes
Theocritus Poet Short poems about the beauty of nature
Epicurus Philosopher Epicureanism –Happiness is the goal of life –Everyone should seek out pleasure
Zeno Philosopher Stoicism –People have the duty to serve their city –Happiness comes from reason, not following your emotions
Astronomers Study stars, planets and other heavenly bodies
Aristarchus Astronomer Claimed sun was at the center of universe Earth circled the sun
Aristarchus Aristarchus's 3rd century BC calculations on the relative sizes of the Earth, Sun and Moon, from a 10th century CE Greek copy
Eratosthenes Astronomer Earth is round Measured earth’s circumference using geometry 24,675 miles, 185 miles off
Euclid Most famous mathematician Wrote book – Elements Plane geometry – points, lines, angles, etc.
Fragment of Euclid’s Elements
Archimedes Mathematician Solid geometry- spheres, cylinders Figured out the value of Pi Inventor –Catapults
Archimedes Archimedes is said to have remarked about the lever: "Give me a place to stand on, and I will move the Earth."
Hypatia Mathematician Studied math, philosophy, astronomy WOMAN! Her writings and comments have survived
Hipparchus Astronomer Created system to explain how planets and stars move
Hippocrates Scientist Wrote medical code of good behavior Doctor
Hippocratic Corpus (His Book)
Hippocratic Oath Oath taken by doctors – oath to take care of their patients and try not to harm them