Key Words in disaster Management Dhammika Mahendre
Disaster Serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society causing widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses, which exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope, using its own resources A disaster happens when a hazard impacts upon a vulnerable population and causes damage, casualties and disruption.
Hazard An event or occurrence that has the potential to cause injuries to life and damage property and the environment. Hazards can be Natural hazards Man-made hazards Hazards can be Primary hazards Secondary hazards
Vulnerability A set of prevailing or consequential conditions, which adversely affect people’s ability to prevent, mitigate, prepare for and respond to hazardous events Physical/Material Vulnerability Social/organizational Vulnerability. Vulnerability can be Attitudinal/Motivational Vulnerability
Capacity (in disaster Management) The assets, resources and skills available within a community, society or organization that can be used to reduce the risks or effects of a disaster. Capacity include Physical means Institutional means Social means Economic means Skilled HR Collective attributes (leadership and management).
Disaster Risk The chance of likelihood of suffering harm and loss as a result of a hazardous event. Risk = Chance (c) x Loss (L) The exposure of something to a hazard The output of risk analysis is usually an estimation of the risk scenarios
Elements at Risk A societal element is said to be ‘at risk’ when it is exposed to hazards People (their lives and health) Household and community structures Facilities and services (houses, access roads, bridges, schools, hospitals) Livelihood and economic activities (jobs, equipment, crops, livestock) Followings are described as “elements at risk”. The natural environment
Disaster Risk Assessment A participatory process to assess the hazards, vulnerabilities and capacities of a community. Through hazard assessment, the likelihood of the occurrence, the severity and duration of various hazards is determined. The vulnerability assessment identifies what elements are at risk and the causes of their vulnerable conditions. The capacity assessment, identifies the community’s resources and coping strategies
Disaster Risk Reduction The reduction of disaster risk is the foundation of community-based disaster risk management It includes activities that will Minimize disaster-related losses of life, Property or assets and environment. The Disaster Rick Reduction activities are also described as mitigation measures
Disaster Preparedness The activities to enhance the following abilities to cope with the effect of a disaster Predict Respond Pre-cautionary activities (during and following the event)
Emergency Response The measures required in Search and rescue of survivors Meeting basic survival needs (shelter, water, food and health care)
Recovery The process to fully restore the community to pre-disaster level of functioning or better than that. Rehabilitation of livelihoods Restoration of social and economic activities Reconstruction of shelter and infrastructure
Climate Change A change in the average weather in a given region experiences. Average weather includes Temperatures Wind patterns Precipitation
Activity Revisit each term, discuss and try to understand each term Home work Write a short note on each term