File that defines the basic organization of a database. Contains a list of all files in the database number of records in each file Names and types of each field Data dictionaries do not contain any actual data from the database, only book keeping information for managing it.
Standardizing data enhances interoperability across systems. Improves data validity and reliability within, across, and outside the enterprise. Communication is improved in clinical treatment, research, and business processes through a common understanding of terms. Standardization provides developers with a common road map to promote consistency across applications.
Design a plan for the development, implementation and continuing maintenance of the data dictionary Develop an enterprise data dictionary that integrates common data elements used across an enterprise Ensure collaborative involvement and buy-in of all key stakeholders when data requirements are being defined for an information system Develop an approvals process and documentation trail for all initial data dictionary decisions and for ongoing updates and maintenance Identify and retain details of data versions across all applications and databases
Design flexibility and growth capabilities into the data dictionary Design room for expansion of field values over time Follow established ISO/International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) guidelines or rules for metadata registry Adopt nationally recognized standards and normalize field definitions across data sets to accommodate multiple end user needs Beware of different standards for the same clinical or business concepts
Use geographic codes and geocoding standards that conform to those already established Test the information system to demonstrate conformance to standards as defined in the data dictionary Provide ongoing education and training for all staff Assess the extent to which the use of the agreed-upon data elements supply consistency of information sharing and avoid duplication
The instructions on the Learning Activity page in Unit 8 are incorrect. The corrected instructions were sent to everyone via and are posted in the Unit 8 Announcement Respond to the following three-part assignment. The total length of this assignment should be words. Review the ethics page of the Clinical Documentation Industry Association (CDIA) Compare and contrast their code of ethics with AHIMA’s. (You can get to AHIMA’s code of ethics by going to (20 points)Clinical Documentation Industry Association Review the CDIA’s Best Practice Standards page and write a summary of the best practice briefs found here. (20 points)Best Practice Standards Nuance is a dictation & transcription software company. Go to the Nuance website and answer the following questions. According to Nuance, what are the benefits of speech recognition? What are the features of the Nuance dictation and transcription modules? (20 points)Nuance
Reading: AHIMA Practice Briefs Discussion Board: Post answer to DQ by Saturday, two responses to others due by Tuesday Personal Health Record Project – Your completed project is due this week!.