HOW TO BECOME KNOWN IN YOUR COMMUNITY “Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve” Martin Luther King, Jr.
Find a cause & believe in it Give, Give, GIVE!!! (Volunteering) Make a difference in someone’s life Do NOT over-commit HOW TO BECOME KNOWN IN YOUR COMMUNITY
FIND A CAUSE AND BELIEVE IN IT SLD’s service project is “hunger in our communities” Food banks, food pantries, churches, schools, etc. 1 out 6 children go to bed hunger EVERY night!
FACTS ON HUNGER IN AMERICA In 2013, 45.3 million people (14.5 percent) were in poverty In 2013, 14.7 million (19.9 percent) children under the age of 18 were in poverty. In 2013, 14 percent of households (17.5 million households) were food insecure In 2013, households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 20 percent compared to 12 percent In 2011, 4.8 million seniors (over age 60), or 8 percent of all seniors were food insecure Food insecurity exists in every county in America, ranging from a low of 4 percent in Slope County, ND to a high of 33 percent in Humphreys County, MS
GIVE, GIVE, GIVE!!! Giving is very easy – WARM feeling! It costs us nothing except time and energy Enhances ones sense of purpose & belonging Improves self-competence and self-confidence! What is our “gift” besides caring? (SINGING!)
MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONE’S LIFE WHO needs us? (*children, adults, *seniors) Helping makes our communities stronger and makes US feel better as well The most basic human emotion is to be wanted and needed Volunteering improves the likelihood those around you (especially children!) will volunteer later in life
DO NOT OVER-COMMIT As hard as it is, do not “bite off more than you can chew!” Why? Everyone suffers! Creates resentment! There are (or will be) plenty of help needed for many years to come Choose the most immediate need(s) Work WITH the local food bank people – form alliances, these people can open doors for you – use their resources
WHAT CAN YOU LEARN FROM VOLUNTEERING? How much time it takes – commitment levels Elevates your senses Educates you in community problems (Your work) Creates awareness throughout community Meeting needs (true needs!) is the right thing to do