Design of a Steerable Catheter Steeratheter Cherry R. Abenojar Eric D. Benson Advisor: Dr. Ted Larson BME 273 Oral Report #3 22 March 99
Project Goal Reference: US Patent 5,817,057 The goal of this project is to design a steerable catheter for use within the carotid bifurcation and its extensions.
Significance Easy access to the brain via carotid artery Treatment of aneurysms Improvement of current methods inefficient trial and error methods problem with “hooked catheter” artery branch “hooked” catheter tip
Catheter Specifications Demands Diameter 1 mm Ability to turn/bend Controllable Safe Wishes Simple Flexible Bend at any angle Inexpensive
Carotid Parameters Laminar flow Carotid extensions: 2 - 3 mm diameters Reference: Turitto, 147
Artery Geometries Best case geometry Acute angle 90 angle Worst case geometry Obtuse angle flow flow flow
Analyses of Current Designs I Reference: US Patent 5,824,031 One guide wire design Size of stylet: 0.35 mm One guide wire - push or pull to straighten or bend catheter tip Problem Stiff and rigid Hook dislodges plaque
Analyses of Current Designs II Two guide wire design Size of catheter: 5 mm Bending radius: 37* 4 Very flexible Two guide wires with electrodes Problem Large diameter Reference: US Patent 5,779,669
Analyses of Current Designs III Fluid propulsion design Size of catheter: 0.5 mm - 3 mm Balloon tip with portholes on side walls Problem Blood flow into portholes Additional channels limit flexibility Reference: US Patent 5,817,057
Steeratheter Design Maximum diameter size: 1 mm (3 Fringes) Simple and Flexible One channel Design catheter tip Bernoulli’s Equation
Future Work Continue analysis of current design Continue brainstorming other designs Observe surgical procedures within the carotid performed by Dr. Larson Prepare poster presentation
References Berenstein et al. “Fluid Propulsion Steerable Catheter and Method.” United States Patent 5,817,057: October 6, 1998. Cookston et al. “Apparatus and Method for Deflecting a Tip of a Lead or Catheter.” United States Patent 5,824,031: October 20, 1998. Haissaguerre et al. “Steerable Catheter with Fixed Curve.” United States Patent 5,779,669: July 14, 1998. Motomiya M and Karino T. “Flow Patterns in the Human Carotid Artery Bifurcation.” Stroke 1984; 15:50. Turitto VT and Goldsmith HL. “Rheology, Transport, and Thrombosis in the Circulation.” Vascular Medicine. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1996; 141-181.