By Kelly Boushell Submitted June 5 th, 2010 Dr. Sims ITC 525 Computers for Educators A REVIEW OF BASIC CONCEPTS BEGIN
Table of Contents “Choose one of the topics above to begin.” “When you are ready to begin another topic click on me at the bottom of the screen to come back to the table of contents.” Points Line Segments Lines Rays Angles CitationsStandards
POINT A point is a location in space. Capital letters are used to name points. AKGM More info here! Table of Contents Watch movie!
LINE SEGMENT A line segment is made up of 2 points and the straight path between them. N D The two points at the ends of a line segment are called endpoints. This line segment is called: ND or DN Table of Contents More info here! Quiz Me!
1. What is the name of this geometric figure? B. Line Segment A. Line C. Ray M E Table of Contents BACK
Try Again What is the name of this geometric figure? B. Line Segment A. Line C. Ray M E Table of Contents Need a little help? BACK
Fabulous! What is the name of this geometric figure? B. Line Segment M E You remembered a line segment is made up of 2 points and the straight path between them! Table of Contents
LINE A line is a straight path that goes on forever in both directions. J R The arrowheads symbolize the line continuing forever, even though it looks like it stops at the arrowheads. This line is called: RJ or JR R and J are points, not end points! Table of Contents More info here! Quiz Me!
What is the name of this geometric figure? A. Line B. Line Segment C. Ray Table of Contents H Z BACK
Try Again What is the name of this geometric figure? A. Line B. Line Segment C. Ray Table of Contents H Z Need a little help? BACK
Superb! What is the name of this geometric figure? A. Line Table of Contents H Z You remembered a line is a straight path that goes on forever in both directions!
RAY A ray is a straight path that has a starting point and goes on forever in one direction. B W This is point BThis is endpoint W This ray is called: WB Note the difference between point and endpoint! The endpoint is always the first letter in the name of a ray! Table of Contents More info here! Quiz Me!
3. What is the name of this ray? D O A. OD C. DO B. OD Table of Contents BACK
Try Again 3. What is the name of this ray? D O A. OD C. DO B. OD Table of Contents Need a little help? BACK
Fantastic! 3. What is the name of this ray? D O A. OD You remembered that the endpoint is always the first letter in the name of a ray! Table of Contents
ANGLE NEXT An angle is formed by 2 rays or 2 line segments that share the same endpoint. The endpoint where the rays or segments meet is called the vertex of the angle. The rays or segments are called the sides of the angle. Table of Contents More info here!
Naming Angles NEXT The vertex of the angle must always be in the middle of the, between the points on the sides. A B C This angle is called: ABC The vertex point is B. That is why B is in the middle of the sides A and C. CBA or Table of Contents BACK
Classifying Angles Table of Contents More info here! Quiz Me! Watch movie! Straight Angle Measures exactly 180 Acute Angle Measures between 0 and 90 Reflex Angle Measures between 180 and 360 Obtuse Angle Measures between 90 and 180 Right Angle Measures exactly 90 BACK
Quiz Me! Table of Contents 4. What is the classification of this angle? A. Acute Angle B. Reflex Angle C. Obtuse Angle BACK
Try Again Table of Contents 4. What is the classification of this angle? A. Acute Angle B. Reflex Angle C. Obtuse Angle Need a little help? BACK
Awesome! Table of Contents 4. What is the classification of this angle? C. Obtuse Angle You remembered that an obtuse angle measures between 90 and 180 !
Citations Bell, M. (2002). Everyday mathematics student reference book. Chicago: McGraw-Hill. Bell, M. (2002). Everyday mathematics teacher lesson guide. Chicago: McGraw-Hill. Eather, J. (2001). A maths dictionary for kids. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from Pennsylvania department of education. (2009). Academic standards for mathematics. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from Weatherall, P. (2009). Angles music video [YouTube Video]. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from YourTutorOnline. (2009). Points and lines [YouTube Video]. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from Zahn, C. (n.d.) You are here' sign/ man getting squashed by an 'x‘. Retrieved on June 3, 2010 from Table of Contents