The Rise of Labor Unions
Employers (Power) vs. Workers Yellow Dog Contracts Blacklisting Company Towns No Job Security Child Labor Working Conditions Long hours & Low wages
Labor Unions What did they do? Why were they needed? What is a closed shop?
National Labor Union 1866 William Sylvis8-hour workday
Knights of Labor founded ~1869 Important person ~Terence Powerly Who were they representing? ~Skilled and unskilled workers 1886 – 700,000 Workers
What did they try to accomplish? ~1 st important labor organization Demands ~8hr day, end child labor, equal pay for equal work, safety codes, graduated income tax
American Federation of Labor founded ~1886 important person ~ Samuel Gompers Who were they representing? ~Craft union, separate union for every skill, Excluded African Americans
What did they try to accomplish? ~ Working conditions, pay and control over jobs, later merged with the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations) Why did this union last?
American Railway Union founded ~1893 Important people ~Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) Who were they representing? ~All railway workers, regardless of craft or service
What did they try to accomplish? ~Workers’ wages ~Was the largest union of its time ~The first industrial union in the United States (Didn’t last because of its leaders)
Strikes Scabs, Blacklisted, closed shop, collective bargaining, injunction What was the purpose? What did people risk?
Great Upheaval When it occurred 1886 Where it occurred Throughout the U.S. Identify the labor union and people involved 1,500 strikes 400,000 Workers Why were they striking? Better wages Better working conditions Results of the strike Violence
Haymarket Riot When it occurred 4 May 1886 Where it occurred Chicago Identify the labor union and people involved 40,000 Chicago workers Anarchists Why were they striking? 8hr day
Results of the strike Unknown person threw a bomb at police Violence At least fifty dead or wounded civilians lay in the streets 60 officers lay wounded 7 dead 8 anarchists found guilty of murder 4 hanged 1 committed suicide, later the rest were pardoned
Homestead Strike When it occurred ~1892 Where it occurred ~Homestead, Pennsylvania Identify the labor union and people involved ~Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers (the AA, formed in 1876) ~Henry Clay Frick – Carnegie Steel Company
Why were they striking? ~Protest a wage cut and working conditions Results of the strike ~Replacement workers hired ~Broke the union
Pullman Strike When it occurred ~1894 Where it occurred ~Pullman, Illinois Identify the labor union and people involved ~George Pullman ~Eugene Debs ~ARU – American Railway Union