Book Talks: Fiction Reading Presentation
Content Expectations Title Name of book Author Genre: you need to come with on your own Fiction (humorous, realistic, scientific)
Literary Elements Setting Where story takes place Theme What lesson did you learn from the story? Main Characters Describe characters part in the book Not just listing their names Plot: give main events, but not the ending Don’t give the book away Persuading others to read
Review Would you recommend this book to others? Why, or why not?
Reading Excerpt Read a short excerpt from the book aloud. Tell us why you chose to read the excerpt.
Presentation Expectations: Good posture and Eye Contact Clarity and volume of voice Listening to others Feedback to others
LEXILE Range You will need to use books that are within your LEXILE. Where do you find what the LEXILE of your book is?LEXILE Mrs. Shetler will give you your LEXILE from last year, until we find out your fifth grade LEXILE.
Presentations Will be every month. We will rotate fiction and non-fiction each month. The project for each month is on my class website. First Book Talk is the middle of October…
Get Ready…. TO READ!!!