Fedasil grants material aid to asylum seekers and to other categories of foreigners. Together with its partners, the agency organizes quality reception and support services and also provides monitoring and guidance for unaccompanied foreign minors. Fedasil coordinates the voluntary return programme. Fedasil is responsible for the design, preparation and implementation of the reception policy. Fedasil - MISSION
Fedasil – RECEPTION NETWORK centres in Belgium reception places
COMMUNITY INTEGRATION PROGRAMME To create public support for reception centres and to give the public an accurate, realistic picture of asylum seekers.
Integration. Institutionalisation. Partnerships.
Integration. Institutionalisation. Partnerships. Dialogue.
Integration. Institutionalisation. Partnerships. Dialogue. Information.
Integration. Institutionalisation. Partnerships. Dialogue. Information. Raising awareness.
Integration Open days, volunteers, workshops for both asylum seekers and local population,...
Institutionalisation Structural cooperation with local authorities
Partnerships Build a local partner network (sociocultural or sports clubs,...), participate in local partners’ activities (clean streets)
Dialogue Local contact points for complaints and questions from neighbours, prevent nuisance (wifi in the centres,...), community integration workers.
Information Press, newsletters, website,…
Raising awareness Educational program for schools and visitors, national Campaigns on World Refugee Day, …
Fedasil – SOME FIGURES (2014) € budget for community integration activities About 1000 community integration activities were organised More than households get 3 newsletters a year in their mailbox from one of the reception centres More than 700 volunteers who help on a regular basis in a reception centre An average of 70 schools a month visit one of the reception centres