Next steps after the Ad hoc meeting on the refugee crisis ESF Committee 23 October 2015 Zoltan Kazatsay Deputy Director General of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion
What can the ESF do? Vocational training (if allowed by national legislation) Education for minors Capacity building of PA and stakeholders (e.g. NGOs) Anti-discrimination measures Asylum seekers with no access to the labour market General support by the ESF e.g. training, language classes, counselling, higher education, self-employment Asylum seekers with access to the labour market
Key conclusions from the ad hoc meeting on 25 September 2015 It is important to assess the individual needs of the asylum seekers MS have different levels of experience in dealing with this type of challenge There is a wide range of actions supported
Requests from Managing Authorities Additional financial support earmarked to actions for refugees Reduction of administrative burden Exchange of best practices through ESF transnational networks (in particular on how to combine the support to short-term and long-term measures).
Way forward Mapping of needs and prioritisation The Commission will support Member States (guidance, coordination between Funds, quick adoption of OP amendments). Transnational cooperation network on migration