Tale time I think reading is …. It can help you to … I think reading is …. It can help you to …
Objectives: to learn: new fiction genres [ ʒɔ ŋrəz] (литературные жанры) to do: listen, read and talk about fiction genres, authors
Literary genres Adventure story Detective, mystery Drama Fairy tale Comedy Suspense story Humorous story Science fiction Novel Myth Biography Legend
Agatha Christie ['ægəθə 'kr ɪ st ɪ ]
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle [s ɜː ' ɑː θə konæn doil]
Jules Vern
Your task p read and translate information about greatest names in fiction
Objectives: to learn: new fiction genres [ ʒɔ ŋrəz] (литературные жанры) to do: listen, read and talk about fiction genres, authors
Literary genres Adventure story Detective, mystery Drama Fairy tale Comedy Suspense story Humorous story Science fiction Novel Myth Biography Legend
neat [ni ː t] appearance [ə'p ɪ ər(ə)ns] obsession [əb'se ʃ (ə)n] order [' ɔː də] investigation [ ɪ n ˌ vest ɪ 'ge ɪʃ (ə)n] at first glance [æt f ɜː st gl ɑː ns] аккуратный внешность одержимость порядок расследование с первого взгляда Authors and stories
inspire [ ɪ n'spa ɪ ə] solve [s ɔ lv] faithful ['fe ɪ θf(ə)l] case [ke ɪ s] cape [ke ɪ p] a magnifying ['mægn ɪ fa ɪ ] glass вдохновлять решать верный, преданный случай плащ; накидка; увеличительное стекло Authors and stories
imagination [ ɪˌ mæ ʤɪ 'ne ɪʃ (ə)n] several ['sev(ə)r(ə)l] strange [stre ɪ n ʤ ] воображение несколько странный Authors and stories
Your task WB ex. 1 p. 11 cards