1 Presented to the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations By the City of Fort Worth, Planning and Development Department August 24, 2009 CONSERVATION.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to the Fort Worth League of Neighborhood Associations By the City of Fort Worth, Planning and Development Department August 24, 2009 CONSERVATION DISTRICT AMENDMENT

2 Review recommended Zoning Ordinance text amendment relating to Conservation Districts (ZC ). PURPOSE

3 Why did the City Council ask staff to review conservation districts? Complaints from residents about incompatible scale or form of certain single-family infill development

4 What would conservation districts regulate? Required Items Building height Lot coverage Lot size Front and side yard setbacks Driveways

5 What would conservation districts regulate? (cont.) Optional Items Building orientation General site planning Garages Street trees Height of fences and walls Entrance lighting Curbs and sidewalks Principle elevation features Building form Demolition

6 Clarify distinction between conservation districts and historic districts. Amend criteria, application procedure, and design standards. Amend powers and duties of the Urban Design Commission regarding nomination of conservation districts. What ordinance amendments are recommended?

7 What are the proposed criteria for conservation districts? A proposed conservation district must: Encompass at least one block length. Include at least 50% improved lots. Possess distinctive features that create a cohesive, identifiable setting or character, such as spatial relationships between buildings, lot layouts, or streetscape characteristics.

8 What design characteristics are we removing from the existing ordinance? Architectural style Building material Density Street layouts Land use patterns

9 What is the recommended review process? Staff reviews all activities using objective design standards, with no review by a board or commission. Variance from standards heard by the Board of Adjustment.

10 Who can initiate designation of a conservation district? Property owners by petition City Council

11 Comparison of Recommendations StaffDevelopment Advisory Committee Central City Redevelopment Committee Petition Threshold 50%: Same as other petition-based rezoning 75%50% Council- initiated AllowAllow only with 50% petition Allow HeightOption to limit, but prohibit restriction to less than two stories Rely on base zoningOption to limit Building Form Option to regulate Arch. StyleNo oversight Option to regulate Demolition-Option to regulate -Allow with issuance of building permit for compatible structure (administrative) -Option to regulate -Allow with either issuance of building permit or when rehab is cost prohibitive -Option to regulate -Allow either administrative or commission review

12 SCHEDULE DateAction February 9Historic and Cultural Landmarks Commission receives briefing on proposed text amendment. February 17City Council receives briefing on proposed amendment and endorses initiation of public review process. February 19Urban Design Commission receives briefing on proposed text amendment. March 11Zoning Commission receives briefing on proposed text amendment. March 12Central City Redevelopment Committee provides comments. March 16Development Advisory Committee provides comments. March-MayStaff meets with interested stakeholders to receive comments. June 10Zoning Commission conducts public hearing and makes recommendation on proposed text amendment. July 14City Council conducts public hearing on text amendment and delays case until September 22. September 22City Council conducts public hearing and votes on text amendment.

13 Questions? Comments?