Zoning Ordinance Update 15 MAY 2015
Purpose and Intent Update Comprehensive Plan ( ) Update Zoning Ordinance (2012) Implementation and Adjustment
History Committee Formed in December 2014 ◦Held ten meetings to date Reviewed: ◦Use table ◦Overlay districts ◦Special conditions ◦Landscaping Needs Attention: ◦Defining overlay districts ◦Sign ordinance ◦Reducing setbacks in Town Center
Goals- Team Selection ◦Design Team ◦Article 9 (Signs) ◦Article 10 (Design Guidelines) ◦Overlay Districts (Boulevard, Gateway, Town Center) ◦Compliance Team ◦Consistency between Articles ◦Review with a concentration on the interconnectivity ◦General Review Team ◦Grammar ◦Style, and ease of use
Timeline (Proposed) April 14 th Form Review Teams Design Team Compliance Team General Review Team April 28 th Team Reports Design: Signs Ordinance Compliance: Articles 1-4 General Review: Articles 1-4 May 12 th Team Reports Design: Design Ordinance Compliance: Articles 5-9 General Review: Articles 5-9 May 26 th Team Reports Design: Articles 1-14 Compliance: Articles General Review: Articles 10-14
Timeline (Actual) April 14 th Form Review Teams Design Team Compliance Team General Review Team April 28 th Team Reports Design: Signs Ordinance (Discussed) Compliance: Articles 1-4 General Review: Articles 1-4 (Minor corrections to Articles 1-3) May 12 th Team Reports Design: Article 10 (Progress) Compliance: Articles 5-9 (No update provided) General Review: Articles 5-9 (No update provided) May 26 th Team Reports Article 10 (Overlay and Design Guidelines)
Next Steps The following procedural steps are required for adoption of a text or map amendment: A. Amendment shall be initiated pursuant to Section 1300; ◦1300.E: A complete application for amendment must be received at least two (2) weeks prior to the Planning Commission meeting in order to be considered at the meeting. B. Amendment ordinance shall be prepared in written form required by Town Code; C. Proposed amendment shall be referred to Planning Commission for review and recommendation. The Planning Commission shall not conduct a public hearing, but the property owner may be allowed to present oral or written comments. If oral or written comments are taken, the commission shall give other interested members of the public ten (10) days notice and allow them to comment in the same fashion. Review shall include a determination of whether the proposed amendment is in conformity with the comprehensive plan. Planning Commission shall file with Town Council its report and recommendation on the proposed amendment within thirty (30) days after receipt; D. Newspaper notice of public hearing before Town Council shall be published at least fifteen (15) days prior to the hearing. The public hearing shall be scheduled for a date after the Planning Commission recommendation is due;
Next Steps… Continued E. Notices of public hearing shall be posted on or adjacent to property to be rezoned, with one notice visible from each street bordering the property. Posted notices shall contain letters not less than one (1) inch in height; F. Notice of public hearing shall be mailed to adjacent landowners and groups which have filed a written request for notices; G. Town Council may introduce an amendment ordinance for first reading and hold public hearing on the same date. Planning Commission recommendation shall be reviewed and considered, but it shall not be binding on Town Council; H. Town Council may adopt or reject the amendment ordinance on second reading at least six (6) days after first reading. Map amendments may be adopted or rejected for all or any portion of the property; however, a zoning district designation which was not included in the public notices shall not be adopted. An amendment may be withdrawn in writing by the initiator at any time prior to final action by Town Council. A withdrawn amendment is not subject to the twelve (12) month limitation in Section 1300-B; and I. All amendments shall be noted and placed in the copy of the Zoning Ordinance maintained by the Zoning Administrator and in the official copy of the Town Code maintained by the Municipal Clerk. Map amendment shall be reflected on the official zoning map.
Projected Timeline May 26 th Complete Article 10 June 9 th Submit to Planning Commission for Review ◦1300.E: A complete application for amendment must be received at least two (2) weeks prior to the Planning Commission meeting in order to be considered at the meeting. June 23 rd Planning Commission Review (Recommend or Not) July 8 th Notification for Public Hearing July 23 rd Earliest date for Public Hearing and First Reading July 29 th Earliest date for 2 nd Reading (Adopt or Reject)
Annexation Requirements Petition Form (100%, 75%, 25%) Ordinance (All) Two Readings (All) Public Hearing (75% Petition) Election (25%) Notification sent to: SCDOT, Secretary of State, SC Department of Public Safety (By Law) Lexington County (All Applicable Departments) Central Midlands COG
Petitions without Ordinance AddressTax Map1 st Reading2 nd ReadingAnnexation MethodInterim Zoning 114 Courtland Rd /05/201304/02/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 1638 Chapin Rd /05/201304/02/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 118 St Peters Church Rd /01/200706/07/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 451 Lexington Ave /06/200704/03/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 180 Murray Lindler Rd /01/200512/06/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC)
Properties Not Taxed (Send to Lexington) AddressTax Map1 st Reading2 nd Reading Annexation Method Interim Zoning Future Chapin Furniture Location /27/201409/16/ % Petition Interstate Commercial (IC) 114 Courtland Rd /05/201304/02/ % Petition General Commercial (GC) 1638 Chapin Rd /05/201304/02/ % Petition General Commercial (GC) 118 St Peters Church Rd /01/200706/07/ % Petition General Commercial (GC) 180 Murray Lindler Rd /01/200512/06/ % Petition General Commercial (GC)
Ordinances Not Filed Correctly (SCDOT, Secretary of State and DPS) AddressTax Map1 st Reading2 nd Reading Annexation Method Interim Zoning Future Chapin Furniture Location /27/201409/16/ % Petition Interstate Commercial (IC) 114 Courtland Rd /05/201304/02/ % Petition General Commercial (GC) 1638 Chapin Rd /05/201304/02/ % Petition General Commercial (GC) Huffield TerraceMultiple04/07/200906/02/200975% PetitionResidential (RS-2) Amicks Ferry Rd /03/200903/03/ % Petition General Commercial (GC)
Ordinances Not Filed Correctly (SCDOT, Secretary of State, and DPS)…Continued AddressTax Map1 st Reading2 nd ReadingAnnexation MethodInterim Zoning 267 Columbia Ave (Ellett Brothers) /03/200807/01/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) NW Columbia Ave (Town Hall) /03/200807/01/ % PetitionOffice Commercial (OC) Ellett Rd area /07/200707/03/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 118 St Peters Church Rd /01/200706/07/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 451 Lexington Ave /06/200704/03/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC) 180 Murray Lindler Rd /01/200512/06/ % PetitionGeneral Commercial (GC)