“The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
2 Overview: i.The inclusion: a paradigm change ii. The study: “The Employment of people with disabilities“ iii. Final notes and future challenges “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
3 The inclusion: a paradigm change "Inclusion is a human rights issue“ (Center of Studies of Inclusive Education, s/d) “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
4 Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons (9 December 1975) World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons (3 December 1982) United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons , Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities - Resol. 48/96 (20 December 1993). The International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health (ICF) Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” - José Miguel Nogueira
5 European Employment Strategy e-Europe An Information Society For All (2000) Council of Europe Action Plan ( ) Equal opportunities for people with disabilities: an European action plan ( ) European Disability Strategy : A Renewed Commitment to a Barrier-Free Europe “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
6 Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (1976) - people with disabilities - equal (the same) rights and duties Exclusive legislation to promote the rights of persons with disabilities National Action Plan on Disability (PAIPDI) National Disability Strategy (ENDEF) Active employment measures and other public incentives “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
7 Integration support Information, evaluation and guidance for qualification; and employment; Support placement and post placement Funding for removing barriers and another adaptations S upport Employment Stages (up to 12 months); “Insertion Employment-Contract” (socially useful activities); Supported Employment-Contract. Merit Award (for companies with good practices) Disability Support Products “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
8 The Study “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira the employment of people with disabilities
9 “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira The Study: Objetives Characterization of workers with disabilities Evaluate the professional performance of workers with disabilities Evaluate the satisfaction of workers with disabilities about their career Know the access to employment and career Identify the physical and cultural barriers Know the use of public support measures
10 Methodology: Study View of companies View of workers View of key actors “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
11 View of Companies Online Survey Representative sample companies / organizations 100 or more workers with disabilities 202 surveys (October and November 2009) “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
12 View of workers Attendance survey Representative sample companies / organizations 100 or more workers with disabilities 328 surveys 328 surveys (July and August 2010) “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
13 View of key actors Academics view Academics view Government view Organizations of people with disabilities view Organizations of people with disabilities view Organizations of Employers view 11 semi-directive interviews (March and April 2010) “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
14 Results “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira
15 “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira The 202 companies object of study ( more than 100 employees), employed employees, (1,2%) with disabilities
16 “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira (Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013) General characterization of workers with disabilities by age and gender
17 Characterization of workers with disabilities: Difficulties in functionality (activities of daily living) (Very difficult or can not to do) ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
18 ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
19 Comparison between the level of qualifications of workers' with disabilities and the universe of employees of companies with 100 or more employees “The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
20 Integration in the company Companies view View of disablities Workers ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
21 With regard to absenteeism, the workers with disabilities, absent from work: ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
22 Satisfaction with the professional performance of the workers with disabilities
23 Satisfaction with productivity of the workers with disabilities ( Goncalves & Nogueira, 2013)
24 View of Key Actors
25 Strengths (Key actors perspective) The stigma tends to disappear when people with disabilities have the opportunity to demonstrate their usefulness to the company; The major companies have developed social responsibility strategies; In Portugal, the right to non-discrimination in employment is guaranteed in national legislation; Portugal has also many specific active employment measures for people with disabilities (recent implementation of the measure "supported employment“) Entrepreneurs agreed to help disseminate the results of this study to their peers
26 Weaknesses (Key actors perspective) Although some advances, does not exist yet equal opportunities in access to employment in Portugal Overall, the companies unknown the active employment measures for people with disabilities; There is also a lack of knowledge about the real productive capacity of people with disabilities; The type and level of disability affects in access and in the career; Until does not improve the education and training of the people with disabilities, discrimination in employment will be continue
27 Final Notes
28 The integration of people with disabilities in the labor market is currently seen as a matter of human rights and a key factor for their inclusion ; The results of this study show when the people with disabilities have opportunities to work, they demonstrate their value ; The findings show that it is a myth that disabled people are incapable. People with disabilities don't have integration problems, are assiduous, productive or useful to organizations; The results also show that employing people with disabilities is not merely a case of social responsibility, is in fact “a good business for companies”. However (and this is the point ), how can the employment of people with disabilities increase in a country with a high global unemployment rate? This is the biggest challenge
29 Approach We must take people with disabilities “out the boxes” Participation and Empowerment Society FOR ALL Promoting the equal Opportunities Highlights Inclusive Society Employment is a way to …
30 … It's just a matter of human rights OBRIGADO - THANK YOU ! “ Disability need not be an obstacle to success ” Stephen W Hawking
“The myths and the facts of disability and work in Portugal” José Miguel Nogueira