REGULARITY IN SERVING MEALS. District.Meal served%Not served% Doda %1332. Ramban.3298%82. Kishtwar.2458%1640.
Disruption in meals. Irregular supply of food grains. Unavailability of grants for the same. Disruption caused not only in meals serving but disruption also in academic processes because In some of the schools primarily those in the hilly areas the school need to be closed for a day or two as the teachers has to got to the collect the food grains. In GBMS Bhalla (Doda) no food served from 17 th oct 2012, in GPS lower chapra (Kishtwar) MDM closed after 26 th october 2012.
Cooking cost was delayed invariably in all the schools and was paid in cash. Teachers paid from their own pocket to manage in many schools. Weekly menu was displayed at the place noticeable to the community and was decided by ZEO in most of the schools visited. Children's feedback about quality of food is not very encouraging.
Social Equity There is no visible discrimination in term of gender, caste or community while serving the food in the context of seating arrangement. except for one school i.e. GPS Khori in which Muslim students denied taking MDM because of the Hindu cook. (district kishtwar block drabshala) The seating and serving arrangement for eating food is quite inclusive and is similar for all.
Status of cooks. DistrictSCSTGENERALOBC Doda Ramban Kishtwar Total
The cooks in all the schools are appointed by the department of school education with the recommendation of the VEC. Yes, in all the schools, the Cooks engaged are as per the GOI guidelines. The remuneration of the cooks in the state is fixed at INR: 1000/ per month and the mode of payment is through the cheque. In term of the regularity of the payment, there is delay of 3-4 months in all the schools.
Availability of kitchen shed-cum- store. District Doda, Ramban and Kishtwar respectively) CategoryNO.%AGE YES % NO
Only 43 % of the visited schools had pucca kitchen cum shed, remaining 57% had no shed. Supervision of MDM conducted by DIET officials/ZRP/CRP every month. 8 schools in kishtwar district were sanctioned sheds, but they were not constructed. In GPS Shanderi it was under construction, in GPS Pathernaki there was no kitchen shed and utensils.
In district Ramban 4 schools were sanctioned kitchen sheds but they were not constructed as yet. In three schools kitchen sheds were under construction. In KGBV Chanderkote, there is no MDM scheme, food was prepared from the grants of KGBV.
SAFETY & HYGIENE In 80% of the schools we found that the general environment,safety and hygiene is appropriate whereas in rest of the schools, things are not workable to various reasons assigned to it like unavailability of space as required for the schools, location due to shortage of land particularly in the semi urban area, unavailability of toilets etc. In almost all the schools, it was informed/witnessed that the students are encouraged to wash their hands before and after the meal.
In GPS Shellai ( Kishtwar) the poor hygiene was observed in kitchen shed because it was destroyed in storm. In mobile primary school Dhaddar( Doda) also Poor hygienic conditions were observed.
Presentation by: NameDr. Priyanka Sharma Official Designation and Nodal Officer Assistant Professor. Name & Address of the Monitoring Institute Department of Life Long Learning. University of Jammu. Jammu. Mobile No ID