Introduction to RIA InsourceExpress Software ACCT6351
Find the software: Path I: The purple Icon shown on the desktop
Path II: Start->Program->Express RS->InSource Express RS
Path III: go to the internet and enter
Enter the software: Log Id: last name; Firm: 518H; Location: ***, Password: SSN or student ID
Click: “Click here to continue” or Click the blue icon to download the “RS Client Software”
Select “New” under “Returns” Tab
Account: 518H; Year: 2001; Type: 1040
Items to Enter: Name (taxpayer and spouse); Preparer (the LogID); then Click “Add and Open”
Select “No”. Be sure to memorize the location Name
Enter Data Under “Organizer”. Be sure to “Save” and “Full Re-compute” in each step (use the 2 nd and 3 rd tool boxes above).
Main Parts to Be Finished : General Information; Income; Gains and Losses; Adjustment to income; Itemized deductions
Data entered will be transferred to “Tax Forms”
The Data will automatically appear in the tax form. If red color appears; there is error.
Be sure to click “logout ” each time you finish the work
Next time when you continue working on the unfinished return, select “find” under “return” tab, search by last name or locator.