Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland MeteoMet Project: Metrology Activities in Ny-Ålesund (Svalbard) Chiara Musacchio Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Torino, Italy Guest Researcher and Project Management, MeteoMet Project Andrea Merlone, Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM), Torino, Italy Marion Maturilli, Jürgen Graeser Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Potsdam, Germany Vito Vitale, Angelo Viola Istituto di Scienze dell'Atmosfera e del Clima - (ISAC-CNR), Bologna and Roma, Italy
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Task 3.5: Construction of a facility for in situ traceable calibration of weather stations including for special purposes and under extreme environmental conditions (high mountains, polar regions) EDIE Arctic campaign Ny-Ålesund - International Centre for Arctic Research research stations from 11 nations Atmospheric Research Glaciology Marine Biology Ecosystem Climate Change …
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland temperature and pressure controlled simultaneously and independently temperature calibrations in air equipped with reference sensors directly traceable to national standards obtain meteorological data with well defined calibration uncertainty. Transportable devices EDIE Earth Dynamics Investigation Experiment Generation of traceable values of temperature and pressure in the Earth surface range Evaluation of mutual influences on sensors – Covariance analisys steel cylinders vacuum test zone copper cylinder cooling coil with thermostatic fluid Pressure: hPa, Temperature: -35 °C to 50 °C. Target uncertainty (k=2) of pressure and temperature are 10 Pa and °C.
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Vertical profiles of T, humidity and wind contributing to Daily Radiosonde Launches Atmospheric Observatory atmospheric measurements contributing to several international networks
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland ● Reference pressure meter Baratron MKS622 ● Reference thermometer GS01 (metallic-enclosed Pt100) The ground instrumentation used in the Ny-Ålesund GRUAN procedures has been calibrated during the MeteoMet Arctic campaign pressure air temperature Ground-based reference observing system Calibration Range Temperature -30 °C to 10 °C Pressure 95 kPa to 105 kPa
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Calibration curves Uncertainty contributionPT100 APT100 BPT100 C Temperature reference °C Chamber uniformity °C0.009 °C0.019 °C Sensor under calibration °C0.008 °C0.014 °C Calibration curve °C0.017 °C0.018 °C Standard Uncertainty °C0.022 °C0.026 °C Expanded Uncertainty (k=2) °C0.044 °C0.052 °C Uncertainty contribution Pressure reference 0.3 Pa Chamber uniformity 2.5 Pa Sensor under calibration 0.3 Pa Calibration curve 26 Pa Standard Uncertainty 26 Pa Expanded Uncertainty (k=2) 52 Pa
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland The Climate Change Tower in Ny Ålesund Uncertainty contributionPT100 DPT100 EPT100 F TH Vaisala Temperature reference °C °C °C Chamber uniformity °C °C °C Sensor under calibration °C0.008 °C0.014 °C °C Calibration curve °C0.017 °C0.018 °C °C Standard Uncertainty °C0.023 °C0.017 °C °C Expanded Uncertainty (k=2) °C0.046 °C0.033 °C °C Vaisala Thermohygrometer
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Main outcome Open the way for further cooperation... Improve accuracy Define Uncertainty Budget Range of calibration cover measurement condition Evaluate mutual influence of quantity (Temperature on pressure measurement) Uncertainty contributionPT100 D Temperature reference °C Chamber uniformity °C Sensor under calibration °C Calibration curve °C Standard Uncertainty °C Expanded Uncertainty (k=2) °C On-site dedicated calibration
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland The experience achieved by MeteoMet and the Thermal Metrology expertise from NMI staff, as the starting point for the creation of a Metrology laboratory in the Ny Ålesund International Centre for Arctic Research. Facility for temperature sensor calibration Pressure control system for pressure sensor calibration Permafrost Temperature Surface Air Temperature Sea Temperature Dedicated calibration devices and procedure Traceability to primary standards of the measurements Special dedicated Calibration chamber EDIE - Calibration of temperature sensor in air
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland A liquid bath for the calibration of sea, ice and soil thermometers Total target uncertainty: few millikelvin
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Experience achieved for the Boltzmann experiment A liquid bath for the calibration of sea, ice and soil thermometers
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland A liquid bath for the calibration of sea, ice and soil thermometers Stability and uniformity of few millikelvin
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Thank you for the attention
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland 14
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Albedo effect on temperature Up to now, the influence of the albedo on air temperature measurements using AWSs in high mountain sites has not been measured following metrology considerations, thus evaluation correction curves and/or uncertainty components to the air temperature data. This influence needs to be studied by performing traceable measurements of the albedo and determining reliable uncertainty calculations. Task 3.5: High mountains observations: permafrost and albedo
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland Permafrost Permafrost thermal data is a key component for validating hydroclimatic models, land surface models, and climatic change models. Permafrost is among the few measurable paleo- climatic elements. Establish the best practice for permafrost temperature sensors calibration and measurements techniques. A laboratory facility enabling the simulation of a permafrost column of approximately 2 m will be manufactured by INRiM. On-site campaing 2015 ARPA alpine site (3000 m) Permaforst Monitoring Network Task 3.5: High mountains observations: permafrost and albedo
Arctic Circle 2015, October 16-18, Reykjavík - Iceland 17 DTM5080 Pt100 A analog Pt100 CDTM5080 Pt100 B DIGIQUARTZ 6000 pressure meter Calibration Range Temperature -30 °C to 10 °C Pressure 95 kPa to 105 kPa Inside of EDIE 1 sensors under calibration and reference standard