W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Purpose: u Measure pressure in module due to purging gas flow u Module could bulge if pressure too high Method: u Module has 4 purging gas holes: Use 2 for gas flow, 2 for pressure sensors u Measure pressure near input and output at 3 fixed flow rates of N 2 ~0.9 l/min, 3.5 l/min, 6.6 l/min
W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Duke setup:
W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Duke setup – detail of pressure sensor:
W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Results:
W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Interpolate to 1.5 liters/min N 2 : u (with CO2, pressures ~ 15% lower) u Type 3 module with nothing on output: 0.54 mbar near input 0.04 mbar near output u Effect of button attached to output: mbar near input mbar near output u Effect of gas fitting attached to output: mbar near input mbar near output
W. Ebenstein Duke University Barrel Pressure Drop Measurements Example of stackup: